Main Field of Study and progress level:
Gender Studies: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)
Revised by: Director of Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS), 2020-05-25
This course explores feminist perspectives on knowledge building and interdisciplinary research methods. The course will provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to reflect on and engage with interdisciplinary research and an ability to problematize the various parts of the research process. The course also deals with ethical aspects of the various parts of the research process. This course will provide students with experience and knowledge in how to apply and problematize interdisciplinary feminist research methods in their own projects, such as their own master's thesis. Active participation by students in seminars is vital to complete course. The course is taught in English.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student shall have the ability to: Knowledge and understanding
understand and explain the different parts of the research process
understand and explain knowledge of research ethics
Skills and abilities
demonstrate skills and abilities in terms of collecting and analyzing empirical data
argue for methodological choices
demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and to take responsibility for the personal competence development
Judgement and approach
be able to make independent examinations and applications of the different parts of the research process
independently reflect on their own analysis and interpretation, as well as their own role in the research process,
independently identify and evaluate research ethical problems, as well as argue for own research ethical positions
Required Knowledge
To be admitted to the course applicants must have completed three semesters of full time studies, equivalent to 90 ECTS, of which at least 15 ECTS must be an independent project or four semesters of full time studies equivalent to 120 ECTS.
English proficiency equivalent to English A from Swedish Upper secondary education.
Form of instruction
The course is a full time on-line course in English. The course is taught entirely through an electronic Learning Management System where the student takes part in lectures, mandatory assignments and other learning activities. The studies are characterized by a high degree of independent and active search for knowledge, and critical reflection, both individually and in groups.
Examination modes
The course will be examined successively through active participation in seminars, and through individual oral, and written examinations. The examination consists of a written assignment. For the course as a whole, the following grades are given: Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). In order to be awarded Pass for the entire course, it is necessary that all examinations and all compulsory teaching sessions have been passed. A re-sit examination can be offered at the earliest ten days and at the latest three months after publishing information about the first examination. One more examination will be offered within the next year. A student who has passed the examination is not eligible for a new examination to raise grades. The option of a re-examination based on the original course syllabus will be available for at least two years after a student registered for the course. All in all, a student is given five chances of fulfilling the course examination. A student has the right to change examiner after failing two examinations for a course module, unless there are strong arguments against this.
The literature list is not available through the web.
Please contact the faculty.