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Gender Studies: Feminist Theories and Intersectional Analysis, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Genusvetenskap: Feministisk teori och intersektionell analys

This syllabus is valid: 2019-06-24 and until further notice

Course code: 2KC023

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Gender Studies: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)

Established by: Director of Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS), 2019-06-11


This course focuses on classic and contemporary feminist theoretical debates and explores the complex relations between gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity and class. Through critical readings, central feminist theories will be scrutinized to see how they are able to theorize power dimensions such as heteronormativity, racism, (post)colonialism and class. The course is divided into two modules. The first module, Feminist theory (7,5 ECTS), opens with an introduction to feminist theory and puts questions of power, sexuality, subjectivity and politics in focus. Different intersectional approaches are discussed, and feminist theory is connected to critical theoretical fields such as queer studies and postcolonialism. In the second module, we will engage with intersectional analysis of power relations (7,5 ECTS). Through different themes such as place/space, class, body and race/ethnicity we will explore ways of doing intersectional analysis. The course takes its departure from central feminist theory texts and uses critical text analyses as a focus and methodology. Active participation by students in working seminars is vital to the successful completion of the course.

Expected learning outcomes

Module 1: Feminist theory encounters other critical theoretical fields (7,5 ECTS)
After the course the student shall
- be able to independently identify, describe and relate critically to central divisions within feminist theory regarding the meanings of class, ethnicity/race and sexuality.

- be able to, orally and in writing, present an independent analysis related to the central questions in the field of feminist theory and intersectional analysis.

Module 2: Intersectional analysis of power relations (7,5 ECTS)
After the course the student shall
- have achieved comprehension of the different theoretical positions presented during the course and understand their consequences in relation to the intersectional analysis, and be able to apply these understandings in empirical analysis.

- be able to contribute qualified analytical comments at seminars and chair a seminar discussion.

Required Knowledge

To be admitted to the course applicants must have completed three semesters of full time studies, equivalent to 90 ECTS, of which at least 15 ECTS must be an independent project or four semesters of full time studies equivalent to 120 ECTS.
English proficiency equivalent to English A from Swedish Upper secondary education.

Form of instruction

Teaching is conducted through lectures and seminars. The seminars are compulsory, and students who are unable to participate will be given extra written examination tasks. The time to hand in extra examinations follow the same rules as renewed examination in general, that is within two year after the student registered. Emphasis is placed on students' independent work.

Examination modes

The course will be examined successively through active participation in seminars, and through individual oral, and written examination. The examination of module 1 consists of a written assignment. The examination of module 2 consists of one oral and one written assignment in which the three themes; body, politics, and place/space, are linked to each other. For both modules and the course as a whole, the following grades are given: Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). In order to be awarded Pass for the entire course, it is necessary that all examinations and all compulsory teaching sessions have been passed. In order to achieve Pass with distinction on the whole course, this grade is demanded at both modules. A re-sit examination can be offered at the earliest ten days and at the latest three months after publishing information about the first examination. One more examination will be offered within the next year. A student who has passed the examination is not eligible for a new examination to raise grades. The option of a re-examination based on the original course syllabus will be available for at least two years after a student registered for the course. All in all, a student is given five chances of fulfilling the course examination. A student has the right to change examiner after failing two examinations for a course module, unless there are strong arguments against this. Course diplomas will be issued within 60 days after a passed examination.

Academic credit transfer
This course cannot be credited for other courses in gender studies at Umeå University. A course with the same name (7,5 ECTS), given during Autumn 2006, can be given credits for in this course
corresponding to 7,5 ECTS. For further information we recommend contact with the director of studies.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.