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Critical Perspectives on Nordic Gender Equalities, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Critical Perspectives on Nordic Gender Equalities

This syllabus is valid: 2017-12-11 and until further notice

Course code: 2KC009

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Gender Studies: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Law: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)

Revised by: Director of Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS), 2017-12-05


This course deals with gender equality as political ideal and practice in the Nordic region. Taking a historical departure the course will address questions such as: How and when was the issue of gender equality put on the political agenda in the Nordic countries? How is gender equality understood and practised today? Are Nordic countries still to be conceived as egalitarian? Drawing on various research fields such as post-structuralist feminist theory, postcolonial theory as well as critical perspectives on violence, class and sexuality the course will explore the ideal of gender equality from different angles. Special emphasis is put on examining the ways in which present day Nordic societies in general and gender equality in particular are marked by processes of postcoloniality, heteronormativity and neoliberalism. This is a cross-disciplinary course and will be able to enrich and complement courses in many different programmes. The course is organized around active student participation and consists of lectures, seminars and written examinations. The course is taught in English.

Expected learning outcomes

Module 1: Gender and Politics in the Nordic countries (7,5 ECTS)

After the course the student shall be able to

- describe the history of Nordic politics of gender equality as well as be able independently identify and compare central divisions in Nordic feminist research on gender equality and politics.

- orally and in writing present an independent and critical analysis of different conceptualisations of gender equality.

Module 2: Critical Perspectives on Nordic Gender Equality (7,5 ECTS)

After the course the student shall be able to

- describe and independently compare the different feminist analytical positions presented during the module.

- orally and in writing present an independent and critical analysis of Nordic gender equality related to processes of heteronormativity, colonialism, class and neo-liberalism.

Added to this, the student should be able to contribute to qualified analytical comments at seminars and lead discussions.

Required Knowledge

To be admitted to the course applicants must have completed three semesters of full time studies, equivalent to 90 ECTS, of which at least 15 ECTS must be an independent project or four semesters of full time studies equivalent to 120 ECTS.

English proficiency equivalent to English A/5 from Swedish Upper secondary education.

Form of instruction

Teaching is conducted through lectures and seminars. Major part of the scheduled lectures and seminars are compulsory, and students who are unable to participate may be given extra examination tasks. Emphasis is placed on students’ independent work.

Examination modes

The course will be examined gradually through active participation in seminars, and through individual oral, and written examination. The examination of module 1 consists of one written assignment. The examination of module 2 consists of one individual written assignment. For both modules and the course as a whole, the following grades are given: Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). In order to be awarded Pass for the entire course, it is necessary that all examinations and all compulsory teaching sessions have been passed. In order to achieve Pass with distinction on the whole course, this grade is demanded on module one and two.

A re-sit examination can be offered at the earliest ten days and at the latest three months after publishing information about the first examination. One more examination will be offered within the next year. A student who has passed the examination is not eligible for a new examination to raise grades. The option of a re-examination based on the original course syllabus will be available for at least two years after a student registered for the course. All in all, a student is given five chances of fulfilling the course examination. A student has the right to change examiner after failing two examinations for a course module, unless there are strong arguments against this. Course diplomas will be issued within 60 days after a passed examination.

Academic credit transfer

This course cannot be credited for other courses in gender studies at Umeå University. A course with the same name (7,5 ECTS), given during Autumn 2006, can be given credits for in this course corresponding to 7,5 ECTS. For further information we recommend contact with the director of studies.


  • Valid from: 2020 week 1

    Borchorst Anette
    Women-friendly policy paradoxes? Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 27-42

    “ The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context
    Carlsson Wetterberg Christina, Melby Kari
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. : pages 43-62 :

    Currell Susan
    Included in:
    Popular eugenics
    Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press : c2006. : x, 406 p. : pages 1-16 :
    Reading instructions: p 1-16

    Esping-Andersen Gösta
    The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism
    Included in:
    The welfare state
    Cambridge : Polity Press in association with Blackwell : 2000 : xi, 403 s. : pages 160-174 :

    Esping-Andersen Gøsta
    Families in the 21st century
    1. uppl. : Stockholm : SNS förlag : 2016 : 113 s. :
    ISBN: 9789186949815
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Eugenics and the Welfare State : Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland
    Michigan State University Press : 2005 :

    Langvasbråten Trude
    A Scandinavian Model? Gender Equality Discourses on Multiculturalism.
    Included in:
    Social politics
    Champaign, Ill. : Published by the University of Illinois Press in cooperation with the Swedish Council for Social Research : 1994- : 15 (1) : pages 32-52. (20 pages) :

    Lewis Jane
    Gender and Welfare Regimes
    Included in:
    Social politics
    Champaign, Ill. : Published by the University of Illinois Press in cooperation with the Swedish Council for Social Research : 1994- : Vol. 1(1994)- :
    Reading instructions: pp. 160-177

    McCarry Melanie
    Masculinity studies and male violence: Critique or collusion?
    Included in:
    Women's studies international forum
    Oxford : Pergamon P. : 1982- : 30 : pages 404-415 :

    Women-friendly policy paradoxes? : Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia
    Melby Kari, Borchorst Anette
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp. 27-42

    A nordic Model of gender equality? Introduction
    Melby Kari, Carlsson Wetterberg Christina, Ravn Anna-Birte
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. : pages 1-26 :

    National Strategy to Prevent Violence in Intimate Relations
    The Danish Government :

    Trouble in Paradise: Exploring Patterns of Research and Policy Response to Men's Violence in Denmark and Sweden
    Pringle Keith, Balkmar Dag, Iovanni LeeAnn
    Included in:
    London : Taylor & Francis : 1998- : 18 : pages 105-121 :

    Approaches to gender mainstreaming: What's the problem represented to be?
    Bacchi Carol, Eveline Joan
    Included in:
    Mainstreaming politics
    Adelaide, S. Aust. : University of Adelaide Press : c2010. : xviii, 368 p. :

    Mainstreaming and neoliberalism: a contested relationship.
    Bacchi Carol, Eveline Joan
    Included in:
    Mainstreaming politics
    Adelaide, S. Aust. : University of Adelaide Press : c2010. : xviii, 368 p. :

    Brown Wendy
    Postmodern Exposures, Feminist Hesitations.
    Included in:
    States of injury
    Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press : 1995 : xiii, 202 s. : pages 30-51. (21 pages) :

    Brown Wendy
    Suffering Rights as Paradoxes.
    Included in:
    Oxford : Blackwell Publishers : 1997- : Vol 7 : pages 230-241. (11 pages) :

    Representations of Equality : Processes of Depoliticization of the Citizen-Subject
    Edenheim Sara, Rönnblom Malin
    Included in:
    Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : 2016. : XVII, 312 p. 2 illus. :

    Women's questions on the agenda : the politicisation of gender equality in Sweden
    Florin Christina, Nilsson Bengt
    Included in:
    Different paths to modernity
    Lund : Nordic Academic Press : 2005 : 368 s. :

    Frazer Nancy
    Feminism, capitalism and the cunning of history
    Included in:
    New left review.
    London,c 1960- : 1960- : Vol. 56 : pages 20 s. :

    Honkanen Kattis
    Equality politics out of the subaltern
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 204-219

    Discursive Dynamics in Gender Equality Politics: What about ‘Feminist Taboos’?
    Lombardo Emanuela, Meier Petra, Verloo Mieke
    Included in:
    The European journal of women's studies
    London : Sage : 1999- : 17 : pages 105-123 :

    Magnusson Eva
    Conflict, danger and Difference. Nordic heterosexual couples converse about gender equality and fairness.
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. : pages 161-179. (17 pages) :

    Raevaara Eeva
    In the land of equality?
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 75-93

    Rönnblom Malin
    De-politicising gender? : constructions of gender equality in Swedish regional policy
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 112-143

    Management and gender diversity : intertwining categories and paradoxes
    Staunæs Dorthe, Søndergaard Dorte Marie
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 135-160

    Stormhoj Christel
    Queering the family. Critical reflections on state regulated heteronormativity in the Scandinavian countries.
    Included in:
    Lambda nordica
    Stockholm : Föreningen Lambda nordica : 1989- : 3-4 (8) : pages 38-56. (18 pages) :

    Törnqvist Maria
    From threat to promise. The changing position of gender quota in the Swedish debate on Women's Political representations.
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. : pages 75-93. (18 pages) :

  • Valid from: 2017 week 50

    Abu Lughod Lila
    Do Muslim Women really need saving? Antropological reflections on Cultural Relativism and its Others.
    Included in:
    American anthropologist
    Washington N.W., D.C. : American Anthropological Assoc. : 1888- : Vol. 1 (1888)-11 (1898) ; N.S., 1 (1899)- : Vol 104. Issue 3. : pages 783-790. (6 pages) :
    Reading instructions: pp. 783-790

    Action Plan against Domestic Violence 2012
    Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security. : 2012 :

    Borchorst Anette
    Women-friendly policy paradoxes? Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 27-42

    Burman Monica
    Immigrant Women Facing Male Partner Violence : Gender, Race and Power in Swedish Alien and Criminal Law
    Included in:
    Canterbury : University of Kent : 2 :

    Carbin Maria
    The requirement to speak : Victim stories in Swedish policies against honour-related violence
    Included in:
    Women's studies international forum : h [Elektronisk resurs] b a multidisciplinary journal ...
    Oxford : Pergamon P. : 1982- : 46 : pages 107-114 :

    “ The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context
    Carlsson Wetterberg Christina, Melby Kari
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. : pages 43-62 :

    Currell Susan
    Included in:
    Popular eugenics
    Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press : c2006. : x, 406 p. : pages 1-16 :
    Reading instructions: p 1-16

    Esping-Andersen Gösta
    The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism
    Included in:
    The welfare state
    Cambridge : Polity Press in association with Blackwell : 2000 : xi, 403 s. : pages 160-174 :

    Esping-Andersen Gøsta
    Families in the 21st century
    1. uppl. : Stockholm : SNS förlag : 2016 : 113 s. :
    ISBN: 9789186949815
    Search the University Library catalogue
    Reading instructions: pp 40-68

    Eugenics and the Welfare State : Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland
    Michigan State University Press : 2005 :

    Hong Tuuli
    Discourses on honour-related violence in Finnish policy documents
    Included in:
    London : Taylor & Francis : 1998- :

    Kristín Loftsdóttir
    The exotic North : gender, nation branding and post-colonialism in Iceland
    Included in:
    London : Taylor & Francis : 1998- :

    Langvasbråten Trude
    A Scandinavian Model? Gender Equality Discourses on Multiculturalism.
    Included in:
    Social politics
    Champaign, Ill. : Published by the University of Illinois Press in cooperation with the Swedish Council for Social Research : 1994- : 15 (1) : pages 32-52. (20 pages) :

    McCarry Melanie
    Masculinity studies and male violence: Critique or collusion?
    Included in:
    Women's studies international forum
    Oxford : Pergamon P. : 1982- : 30 : pages 404-415 :

    A nordic Model of gender equality? Introduction
    Melby Kari, Carlsson Wetterberg Christina, Ravn Anna-Birte
    Included in:
    Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
    Bristol : Policy : 2008 : xi, 244 s. : pages 1-26 :

    National Strategy to Prevent Violence in Intimate Relations
    The Danish Government :

    Trouble in Paradise: Exploring Patterns of Research and Policy Response to Men's Violence in Denmark and Sweden
    Pringle Keith, Balkmar Dag, Iovanni LeeAnn
    Included in:
    London : Taylor & Francis : 1998- : 18 : pages 105-121 :

    Towns Ann
    Paradoxes of (In)equality "Something is rotten in the gender equal state of Sweden".
    Included in:
    Cooperation and conflict
    Johanneshov : Scandinavian University Books : 1965- : June, Vol 37 Issue 2 : pages 157-180. (23 pages) :

    Vuorela Ulla
    Colonial complicity: The ’postcolonial’ in a Nordic context
    Included in:
    Complying with colonialism
    Aldershot : Ashgate : 2009. : 1 Online resource (ix, 276 s.) : pages 19-34 :

    Vuori Jaana
    Guiding migrants in the realm of Gender Equality.
    Included in:
    Complying with colonialism
    Aldershot : Ashgate : 2009 : 276 s. : pages 207-225. (18 pages) :

    Action plan to combat men's violence against women, violence and oppression in the name of honour and violence in same-sex relations.
    Government Communication 2007/08:39. : 2007 :

    Approaches to gender mainstreaming: What's the problem represented to be?
    Bacchi Carol, Eveline Joan
    Included in:
    Mainstreaming politics
    Adelaide, S. Aust. : University of Adelaide Press : c2010. : xviii, 368 p. :

    Mainstreaming and neoliberalism: a contested relationship.
    Bacchi Carol, Eveline Joan
    Included in:
    Mainstreaming politics
    Adelaide, S. Aust. : University of Adelaide Press : c2010. : xviii, 368 p. :

    Brown Wendy
    Postmodern Exposures, Feminist Hesitations.
    Included in:
    States of injury
    Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press : 1995 : xiii, 202 s. : pages 30-51. (21 pages) :

    Brown Wendy
    Suffering Rights as Paradoxes.
    Included in:
    Oxford : Blackwell Publishers : 1997- : Vol 7 : pages 230-241. (11 pages) :

    Representations of Equality : Processes of Depoliticization of the Citizen-Subject
    Edenheim Sara, Rönnblom Malin
    Included in:
    Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : 2016. : XVII, 312 p. 2 illus. :

    Women's questions on the agenda : the politicisation of gender equality in Sweden
    Florin Christina, Nilsson Bengt
    Included in:
    Different paths to modernity
    Lund : Nordic Academic Press : 2005 : 368 s. :

    Frazer Nancy
    Feminism, capitalism and the cunning of history
    Included in:
    New left review.
    London,c 1960- : 1960- : Vol. 56 : pages 20 s. :

    Discursive Dynamics in Gender Equality Politics: What about ‘Feminist Taboos’?
    Lombardo Emanuela, Meier Petra, Verloo Mieke
    Included in:
    The European journal of women's studies
    London : Sage : 1999- : 17 : pages 105-123 :

    Magnusson Eva
    Conflict, danger and Difference. Nordic heterosexual couples converse about gender equality and fairness.
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. : pages 161-179. (17 pages) :

    Raevaara Eeva
    In the land of equality?
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 75-93

    Rönnblom Malin
    De-politicising gender? : constructions of gender equality in Swedish regional policy
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 112-143

    Management and gender diversity : intertwining categories and paradoxes
    Staunæs Dorthe, Søndergaard Dorte Marie
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 135-160

    Stormhoj Christel
    Queering the family. Critical reflections on state regulated heteronormativity in the Scandinavian countries.
    Included in:
    Lambda nordica
    Stockholm : Föreningen Lambda nordica : 1989- : 3-4 (8) : pages 38-56. (18 pages) :

    Törnqvist Maria
    From threat to promise. The changing position of gender quota in the Swedish debate on Women's Political representations.
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. : pages 75-93. (18 pages) :

    Honkanen Kattis
    Equality politics out of the subaltern
    Included in:
    Critical studies of gender equalities
    Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. :
    Reading instructions: pp 204-219