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Gender and Social Sustainability - Critical Views and Practical Examples, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Genus och social hållbarhet - kritiska granskningar och praktiska exempel

This syllabus is valid: 2010-09-06 and until further notice

Course code: 2KC007

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Gender Studies: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)


Valid from: 2010 week 36

Bacchi Carol
Analysing policy. What’s the problem represented to be?
Adelaide : Pearson : 2009 :

Ain't I a woman? Revisiting intersectionality : I: Journal of International Women's Studies, Vol 5, Nr 3, s. 75-86.
Brah A., Phoenix A.
2004 :

Broome J.
The Ethics of Climate change
Included in:
Scientific American.
New York,c 1845- : 1845- :

Crenshaw K. Williams
Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of colour
Included in:
Critical race theory
New York : New Press : 1995 : 494 s. : pages 357-384 :

Davies K.
Intersectionality as Buzzword. A sociology of science perspective on what makes a feminist theory successful
Included in:
Feminist theory.
London : Sage : 2000- : pages 1: 67-85 :

Increased ecoefficiency and gross rebound effect: Evidence from USA and six European countries 1960–2002
Holm S-O, Englund G
Included in:
Ecological economics
Amsterdam : Elsevier : 1989- : pages 879-887 :

Lélé S. M.
Sustainable Development: A Critical Review : I: World Development 19 (6), s. 607-621
1991 : pages 607-621 :

North D.C.
Some fundamental Puzzles in Economic History/Development
Included in:
The economy as an evolving complex system II
Reading, Mass : Addison-Wesley : c1997 : xii, 583 p. :

Vår gemensamma framtid : rapport från Världskommissionen för miljö och utveckling under ordförandeskap av Gro Harlem Brundtland
World Commission on Environment and Development , Brundtland Gro Harlem, Hägerhäll Bertil
Stockholm : Prisma :b Tiden : 1988 : 408 s. :
ISBN: 91-518-2159-1
Search the University Library catalogue

Brnic A.
På tal om invandrare, integration och svenskhet : SOU 2004:48
Included in:
Kategorisering och integration
Stockholm : Fritzes offentliga publikationer : 2004 : 232, [4] s. : pages 143-167 :

Carbin M.
Honour related violence. The invention of a policy problem in Sweden
Included in:
Critical studies of gender equalities
Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. : pages 24-47 :

Charles M.B. et al
Public policy and biofuels: The way forward?
Included in:
Energy policy.
Guildford : IPC Science and Technology Pr. : 1973- : pages 5737-5746 :

Franser N.
Rethinking recognition
Included in:
New left review.
London,c 1960- : 1960- : pages 14 s. :

Hellgren Zenia
Myten om det mångkulturella samhället. Teoretiska perspektiv på multikulturalismen
Included in:
Migration och etnicitet
Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2008 : 415 s. : pages 81-105 :

Hout W.
Political Regimes and development assistance: The political economy of aid selectivity
Included in:
Critical Asian studies.
Basingstoke : Routledge : 2001- : pages 591-613 :

Regional development policies and the constructions of gender equality – the Swedish case
Hudson C., Rönnblom M.
Included in:
European journal of political research
Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publ. : 1973- : Vol. 1(1973)- : pages 47-68 :

Integrationens svarta bok : agenda för jämlikhet och social sammanhållning : slutbetänkande. SOU 2006:79
Stockholm : Fritze : 2006 : 373, [5] s. :
ISBN: 91-38-22625-1
Search the University Library catalogue

Kategorisering och integration : om föreställda identiteter i politik, forskning, media och vardag : rapport från Integrationspolitiska maktutredningen
Borevi Karin, Strömblad Per
Stockholm : Fritzes offentliga publikationer : 2004 : 232, [4] s. :
http://integration.statsvet.uu.se/Publikationer/SOU2004-48publ.pdfz Fulltext
ISBN: 91-38-22134-9
Search the University Library catalogue

Keating M.
Territorial politics and the new regionalism
Included in:
Developments in West European politics 2.
Basingstoke : Palgrave : 2002 : 334 s. ill. ; 24cm : pages 201-220 :

Klein K.
In defence of biofuels, done right : Ingår i: Issues of Science and Technology, Spring 2009 (11 s)

Rönnblom Malin
Ett eget rum? : kvinnors organisering möter etablerad politik
Umeå : Univ. : 2002 : [12], 314 s. :
ISBN: 91-7305-340-6 (korr.)z 91-7305-041-5
Search the University Library catalogue

Rönnblom Malin
Gathering around growth – constructions of gender equality in an era of governance and neo-liberalism
Included in:
The discursive politics of gender equality
Abingdon, Oxon ;a N.Y. : Routledge : 2009. : 217 s. :

Tabulawa R.
International aid agencies, learner-centred pedagogy and political democratisation: a critique
Included in:
Comparative education.
Oxford : Carfax : pages 7-26 :

Tennenbaum D.
Introduction: food vs fuel
Included in:
Environmental health perspectives
Research Triangle Park, N.C. : U.S. Dept. of Health : Health Service,c 1972- : pages 5 s. :

Törnqvist M.
From threat to promise. The changing position of gender quota in the Swedish debate on women’s political representation
Included in:
Critical studies of gender equalities
Göteborg ;a Stockholm : Makadam : 2008 : 223 s. : pages 75-93 :