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Advanced Course in Social Law, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Socialrättslig fördjupning

This syllabus is valid: 2023-08-28 and until further notice

Course code: 2JU232

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Law: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Law

Established by: Head of Department of Law, 2021-10-04

Revised by: Head of Department of Law, 2023-03-15


Valid from: 2024 week 40

Socialrätt under omvandling : om solidaritet och välfärdsstatens gränser
Erhag Thomas, Leviner Pernilla, Lind Anna-Sara
Första upplagan : Stockholm : Liber : [2018] : 359 sidor :
ISBN: 9789147113088
Search the University Library catalogue

Marcusson Lena
Offentligrättsliga principer
Fjärde upplagan : Uppsala : Iustus förlag : [2020] : 276 sidor :
ISBN: 9789177371151
Search the University Library catalogue

Nedsatt beslutsförmåga : rätt, riktlinjer och praktik
Giertz Lottie, Mattsson Titti, Thelin Angelika
Upplaga 1 : Lund : Studentlitteratur : [2021] : 272 sidor :
ISBN: 9789144141541
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