This syllabus is valid: 2011-09-05
and until further notice
Course code: 2JU104
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: First cycle
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Law
The aim of the course is for the students to attain a basic knowledge of public regulation and liberalization of international trade at global and regional level as well as to reach a basic understanding of dispute settlement mechanisms of international trade conflicts and the nature and substance of law to be applied to such conflicts.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student shall
- have an understanding of the interplay between economic and political philosophies and the regulation of international trade in historical perspective
- be able to explain the reasons of the institutional set up of the WTO
- be able to analyze the structure of international economic governance
- have a basic knowledge of the rules of GATT, GATS and TRIPS and the principles of WTO law
- be able to furnish explanations of expansion of WTO to new areas: investments, environment, competition, labour etc., and its relation to other relevant international organizations
- be familiar with the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and the nature and major contents of its case law
- have a general knowledge of the regionalization of trade and the major regional organizations establishing free trade areas and customs unions
Required Knowledge
General entry requirements
Form of instruction
The course includes some lectures on general topics but it consists mainly of different types of seminars where the students are expected to prepare in advance and to take active part in the seminar discussions. It is therefore necessary that the students prepare themselves by reading the seminar material consisting of international agreements, literature and cases. The course is taught in English and all materials used in the course are in English.
Examination modes
Examination on the course consists of a written test at the University. On the written test the grades awarded are Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). For the course as a whole the grade awarded are Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). The grade for the course as a whole is based on the result of the written test. The appointed examiner may decide to use other forms of examination if required by particular circumstances. A student who has not received a passing grade on a test will be afforded an opportunity for re-examination. A student who has passed examination may not be re-examined. A student who has taken two tests for a course or segment of a course, without passing, has the right to have another examiner appointed, unless special reasons exist. A written request for change of examiner is submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Education
Students have the right to apply to have a previous education or experience evaluated for transfer of credits. For more information, see: