Main Field of Study and progress level:
Law: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Law
The objective is to give the students a general overview of the Swedish legal system, with emphasis on the sources of law and legal methods. A few areas of material law will also be presented, mainly as examples of the construction of both private and public law.
Learning will focus on the sources of law and the legal method used by judges, lawyers and other legal professions. It will include a brief presentation of constitutional law, the machinery of government, the court system, the administrative and civil procedure, the public access to official documents and finally the impact of EU law on the Swedish legal system. The substantive law part will cover some areas such as property law , contract and commercial law, labour law and mainly economic family law .
All aspects of this course, including the examination, are conducted in English.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course the student shall:
be familiar with basic central parts of the Swedish administrative and judicial system and procedure
have knowledge of some substantive legal areas and the legal methods to solve problems in these areas
be able to identify, explain and analyse elementary legal rules concerning the mentioned legal areas
be able to apply that knowledge and those abilities to concrete ordinary situations
Required Knowledge
General requirements for university studies
Form of instruction
The teaching consists of lectures and seminars. The seminars will require the students to solve various theoretical and practical legal tasks and problems according to instructions given by respective teacher in conjunction with the lectures. The students will be divided into small study units of 2 to 6 students. These working groups shall together before the seminars prepare and discuss their assignments and present their findings in class. Some of the seminars are mandatory since they are to a large extent based on student activities before and during class; attendance at the lectures is optional but strongly recommended. A student who has been accepted and registered for the course has the right to teaching and guidance only during the term/academic year when he/she was accepted and registered.
Examination modes
Examination takes place through fulfillment of obligatory assignments and a written test (at the University). On obligatory assignments the grades Fail (U) or Pass (G) can be awarded. On the written test the grades awarded are Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). On the entire course, the grades given are Fail (U) Pass (G) and Pass with Distinction (VG). A passing grade on the written test and all compulsory course elements is required to receive a passing grade for the course as a whole. The grade for the course as a whole is based on the result of the written test and awarded after the completion of all compulsory course elements.
The appointed examiner may decide to use other forms of examination if required by particular circumstances.
A student who has not received a passing grade on a test will be afforded an opportunity for re-examination. A student who has passed examination may not be re-examined.
A student who has taken two tests for a course or segment of a course, without passing, has the right to have another examiner appointed, unless special reasons exist. A written request for change of examiner is submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Education
Academic credit transfer
Students have the right to apply to have a previous education or experience evaluated for transfer of credits. For more information, see:
Valid from:
2012 week 4
Carlson Laura The fundamentals of Swedish law : a guide for foreign lawyers and students 1. ed. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2009 : 454 s. : ISBN: 978-91-44-05740-8 Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue
Bogdan Michael Swedish legal system 1. ed. : Stockholm : Norstedts juridik : 2010 : xxxii, 562 s. : ISBN: 978-91-39-01489-8 (inb.) Search the University Library catalogue