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Victimology, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Brottsofferkunskap

This syllabus is valid: 2014-09-01 and until further notice

Course code: 2JU012

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Law: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Law

Revised by: Head of Department of Law, 2014-06-02

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements


Valid from: 2014 week 36

Brottsoffer : ansvar och konsekvenser : ett viktimologiskt forskningsseminarium i Umeå den 22 november 2005
Granström Görel, Mannelqvist Ruth, Weinehall Katarina
Umeå : Juridiska institutionen : 2006 : 149 s. :
ISBN: 91-975348-4-6
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Brottsoffer : från teori till praktik
Lindgren Magnus, Pettersson Karl-Åke, Hägglund Bo
Stockholm : Jure CLN : 2001 : 308 s. :
ISBN: 91-7223-115-7 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Viktimologisk forskning : [brottsoffer i teori och metod]
Heber Anita, Tiby Eva, Wikman Sofia
1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2012 : 401 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-44-07343-9
Search the University Library catalogue