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Digital competence and learning I, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Digital kompetens och lärande I

This syllabus is valid: 2018-08-27 valid to 2020-08-30 (newer version of the syllabus exists)

Course code: 2IT029

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: First cycle

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Applied Educational Science

Revised by: Head of Department of Applied Educational Science, 2018-05-16


The course objectives are that the student should acquire digital competence which includes the knowledge, skills and approaches required to work with ICT in learning situations. The course explores what digital competence is, children's and youths new life environment, social aspects of ICT and school, legal aspects of ICT use in schools, distance education and examples of ICT support for the creation of digital learning resources. The course deals with the concept of digital competence and its role in school. 

Expected learning outcomes

Module 1 Digital Competence in School (3 credits)
By the end of the module, students will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • account for the concept of digital competence,
  • summarize the role of digital competence in school, and
  • describe the rules regarding copyright and personal integrity regarding ICT at school.

Skills and Abilities

  • discuss the role of digital competence in school
  • apply rules regarding copyright and personal integrity when using ICT in schools.

Values and Attitudes

  • evaluate the potential and consequences of ICT use in schools, and
  • problematize copyright and personal integrity regarding ICT at school.

Module 2 Digital Competence and Learning (4.5 credits)
By the end of the module, students will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • account for various aspects of distance education, and
  • explain some forms of ICT support for the production of electronic learning objects.

Skills and Abilities

  • discuss relevant social aspects of ICT in relation to school,
  • plan teaching of criticism of the sources, and
  • to some extent be able to apply certain forms of ICT support for the production of electronic learning objects.

Values and Attitudes

  • problematize school activities in relation to the new digital life of children and young people, and
  • problematize various aspects of distance learning.

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements

Form of instruction

The course has mandatory parts that demands physical presence at campus, see further in the course schedule and study guide. The course will be delivered by a combination of lectures, seminars, guided individual work and student presentations.

Examination modes

Physical presence in mandatory parts is demanded for passed result on the course if not otherwise written in current schedule and study guide.

The course is assessed by one written exam and written assignments.
To pass the course it is required that all compulsory parts are passed. The course results are defined by the examiner overall assessment of the students learning outcomes. Possible grades are Passed with distinction, Passed, or Failed.

The course work is examined at the ordinary examination or re-examined at a later occasion during the same semester. An opportunity to re-examine the course work is normally given in the following semester provided the student has requested it. After that a student with a fail is advised to participate in the next ordinary examination. 

A student has the right to change examiner for a course based on a written request to the head of department after two fails on the same course or a part of the course.

Transfer of credits
Students have the right to apply for transfer of credits from earlier higher education or occupational experience. For more information, see the Higher Education Ordinance and: http://www.student.umu.se/english/getting-your-degree/transfer-of-credits/ 
A negative decision about transfer of credits is possible to appeal to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan, http://www.onh.se/in-english 
A negative decision shall be motivated in writing.
For more information, take contact with Student Services.

Other regulations

​Re-examinations based on the same curriculum are guaranteed within the two years of the first registration on the course.
