Interaction Design and Emergent Technologies, 7.5 Credits
Swedish name: Interaktionsdesign och framväxande teknologier
This syllabus is valid: 2021-05-31
and until further notice
Course code: 2IN402
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Informatics: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Informatics
Established by: Head of Department of Informatics, 2021-05-20
The course is based on current driving forces for the development of new digital technology and its practical applications in societal contexts. Based on established knowledge in human-computer interaction and interaction design, the course focuses on emerging technologies, which contribute to societal change and development. The course further focuses on the application of conceptual frameworks intended to describe, explain and understand the relationship between emerging technologies and their use at different levels in society. In addition, methods and models are discussed in order to be able to propose and evaluate new solutions for interaction design. An integral part of the course consists of an in-depth study of ethical and societal issues related to both the use and study of new digital technology.
Expected learning outcomes
Regarding knowledge and understanding the student is, after the course, expected to be able to: 1. Describe the main features of ongoing digital technology development, emerging use and transformative processes in relation to societal development.
Regarding proficiency and aptitude, the student is, after the course, expected to be able to: 2. With support from conceptual frameworks and techniques, describe and explain the relationship between emerging digital technologies, their use and context. 3. Plan, develop and document interaction design concepts based on analysis and understanding of emerging digital technology, its use and context. 4. Present and argue for developed interaction design concepts both orally and in writing.
Regarding evaluative capacity and approach the student is, after the course, expected to be able to: 5. Critically compare and select appropriate methods for evaluating an emerging digital technology and justify the choice of methods. 6. Based on relevant concepts for interaction design assess the ethical and societal effects of a selected emerging digital technology.
Required Knowledge
Admission to the course requires 90 credits in Informatics, Computer science, Information Systems, Cognitive science, or equivalent studies. Also required is English B/6
Form of instruction
Learning is supported mainly by lectures, seminars, group activities and supervision in connection with self-studies. Some teaching sessions may be compulsory. If the course so requires, necessary computer applications are introduced and provided, which the students use on their own. Some guidance may be provided in connection with the use of these applications. The language of instruction is normally English and good writing skills and knowledge of the English language are both important in order to be able to complete the course. During the course, students have access to a number of the department's computer labs.
Examination modes
The course grade is based on individual assignments and a group assignment. The grading scale for the course is pass with distinction (VG), pass (G) or fail (U).
Students who do not pass the exams during the course will be given a second opportunity soon afterwards. Students who do not pass after these two attempts have the possibility to complete remaining assignments during subsequent re-exam periods.
When a student has failed an exam on two occasions, they have the right to request another examiner. Requests for new examiners are made to the Director of Studies.
If special circumstances arise, the examiner has the right to decide on another type of exam.
Valid from:
2021 week 22
Odom, W. et al A fieldwork of the future with user enactments. Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 338-347, ACM. : 2012 : Mandatory
Making design probes work. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Wallace J., McCarthy J., Wright P. C., Olivier P. Included in: ACM transactions on computer-human interaction New York, NY : The Association : 1994- : pages 34413450 : Mandatory
The Ethical Implications of HCI's Turn to the Cultural. Benford S., Greenhalgh C., Anderson B., Jacobs R., Golembewski M., Jirotka M., Stahl B. C., Timmermans J., Giannachi G., Adams M., Farr J. R., Tandavanitj N., Jennings K. Included in: ACM transactions on computer-human interaction New York, NY : The Association : 1994- : 22 : Mandatory
Articles, research reports and extracts from journals (provided by the Department).