Magister Thesis in Informatics with Specialisation in Human-Computer Interaction and Social Media, 15 Credits
Swedish name: Magisteruppsats i informatik med inriktning mot människa-datorinteraktion och sociala medier
This syllabus is valid: 2014-12-22
and until further notice
Course code: 2IN111
Credit points: 15
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Informatics: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Informatics
Established by: Head of Department of Informatics, 2014-12-18
The course gives the student the opportunity to apply a scientific approach when independently and critically formulating and solving problems in informatics. The course includes choice of subject, formulation of research problem/question and limitations, design and implementation of a study and the preparation of a written report. The degree project can also include the making if an IT application. The thesis is presented and defended in a seminar. When working on the written report, the student is given knowledge of and insight into current methodological issues relevant to scientific work in informatics.
Expected learning outcomes
• Identify phenomena of both societal and subject relevance, and formulate problems within the subject area of the study programme. • Describe relevant literature with respect to the research question, within the subject area of the study programme. • Develop and implement a methodologically relevant and ethically justified study of the chosen research question. • Create a synthesis of collected data and selected theories and/or models so that general knowledge of the issue under investigation is generated. • Relate the research question, the analysis and the conclusions to current scientific literature within the subject area. • Present the thesis in writing and orally in a clear manner, as well as review and discuss the work of others.
Required Knowledge
Prerequisites for the course are at least 30 credits of completed programme courses from the Master's Programme in Human-Computer Interaction and Social Media, or equivalent.
Form of instruction
Teaching is given mainly in the form of supervision but can also include lectures and seminars. Some parts of the course can require obligatory attendance. Teaching can be done in English. All necessary computer applications to be used by the students on their own are introduced and maintained during the course. Some assistance is provided when using these applications. Good knowledge in performing written presentations and the English language are important in order to be able to complete the course. During the course the student will have round the clock access to several of the departments computer laboratories, except when these have been booked for other courses.
Examination modes
The examination is normally carried out through the fulfillment of a larger piece of work. This piece of work is submitted in a written report that is presented and defended at a seminar. Additionally, students act as opponents on someone else´s piece of work and participate in compulsory elements in teaching. If the thesis includes programming, software documentation must be submitted.
Final grades are pass with distinction, pass or fail. For students who fail the first exam a second exam is normally given soon afterwards. Students who do not pass the exam after these two attempts have the possibility to take the exam three more times when the exam is given. To be able to do so requires that the student be registered for the course during the term the exam is given. Additional attempts to take the exam require permission of the director of studies or the student counselor.
A student who has failed twice on a course, or part of a course, is entitled to have another examiner, unless there are special reasons against it. Requests for new examiners are made to the director of studies.
Transfer of credits An application for credit transfer of previous studies can be sent to Student Services/Degree Evaluation Office, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå.