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IT Organisation, 15 Credits

The course is discontinued

Swedish name: IT-organisation

This syllabus is valid: 2018-01-01 and until further notice

Course code: 2IN071

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Information Science: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Informatics: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Informatics

Revised by: Head of Department of Informatics, 2017-09-08


The course takes its starting point in that organizations need the ability to sense and respond to entrepreneurial opportunities and threats, and that this ability is becoming increasingly important because of the ongoing digital transformation. Against this background, the course includes two specific themes, business analytics and organizational change. The business analysis is done through data analysis as analysis of data sets are becoming an increasingly important source of insight into the activities and changes, both internally within the organization and externally. In this course data analysis is treated both from a theoretical and practical perspective as students will work with literature in the field, and practical application of computer software for data analysis. The practical application includes analyzing data from various operations and results in the creation of decision recommendations. The second theme of the course, organizational change, also encompasses a theoretical and practical perspective as students will gain theoretical insights about the subject, and then apply these by developing recommendations for appropriate organizational change and implementation proposals.


Expected learning outcomes

Regarding knowledge and understanding the student is, after the course, expected to be able to:
• Describe the process of data analysis in terms of data collection, formatting, visualization, modeling, forecasting and presentation.
• Describe and analyze methods and theoretical foundations of organizational change.

Regarding proficiency and aptitude the student is, after the course, expected to be able to:
• Perform and document data analyzes that address different types of organizational problems and opportunities.
• Analyze and propose organizational changes.

Regarding evaluative capacity and approach the student is, after the course, expected to be able to:
• Explain and critically reflect on the role data analysis can play in organizational change.
• Explain and critically reflect on the role of methods in organizational change.

Required Knowledge

Admission to the course requires 90 credits Informatics, Computer science, Business Administration, Media and communication studies, Pedagogics, Psychology, Political Science, or Sociology (or equivalent competence).

Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A (IELTS (Academic) with a minimum overall score of 5.5 and no individual score below 5.0. TOEFL PBT (Paper-based Test) with a minimum total score of 530 and a minimum TWE score of 4. TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) with a minimum total score of 72 and a minimum score of 17 on the Writing Section).

Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.

Form of instruction

Teaching is done preferably in the form of lectures, seminars, group exercises and supervision in connection with self-studies. During the course necessary computer applications, which students shall use on their own, are introduced and maintained. Some assistance is given in the use of these applications. Some teaching moments may be compulsory. Good ability in written presentation and English are important for assimilating the course.


Examination modes

Examination is done by individual assignments, active participation in seminars and group work.  Examination assumes good ability in written and oral presentation in English. The grade given is pass with distinction, pass or fail. For students who do not obtain a pass after the first attempt an additional examination is normally arranged within a short time afterwards. Students who do not obtain a pass after two examination attempts are allowed to participate in three further examinations. In order to do so the student must register for the course during the term the examination is given. For additional attempts to pass the exam special dispensation is needed from the director of studies or the student counsellor.

If special reasons exist, the examiner has the right to decide on another examination form.

Crediting of a Course
An application to transfer credits from previous courses should be sent to the registrar (Registrator, Umeå University, 90187 Umeå). The application is then forwarded to the department of Informatics for assessment. The application must state for which course the credit transfer is requested.  Authentic copies of course certificates or equivalent must be presented showing grade, higher education institution, date, field of study, level of study, credit points and so on. Also required is the course syllabus including literature for courses whose credits are to be transferred. For further information see “Transfer of Credits at Umeå University” (DNR: 540-3589-09).



  • Valid from: 2018 week 23

    Data science for business : [what you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking]
    Provost Foster, Fawcett Tom
    1. uppl. : Sebastopol, Calif. : O'Reilly : 2013 : xviii, 384 s. :
    ISBN: 9781449361327
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Organizational change
    Senior Barbara, Swailes Stephen
    Fifth Edition : Harlow : Pearson : 2016 : xxi, 392 pages :
    ISBN: 978-1-292-06383-6
    Search the University Library catalogue

    A new edition (7th) of the book Managing Change will be released during 2017. Articles, research reports and extracts from journals (provided by the department).

  • Valid from: 2018 week 1

    Data science for business : [what you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking]
    Provost Foster, Fawcett Tom
    1. uppl. : Sebastopol, Calif. : O'Reilly : 2013 : xviii, 384 s. :
    ISBN: 9781449361327
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Burnes Bernard
    Managing change
    Sixth edition : Harlow, England : Pearson : 2014 : xxi, 634 pages :
    ISBN: 0-273-77896-X
    Search the University Library catalogue

    A new edition (7th) of the book Managing Change will be released during 2017. Articles, research reports and extracts from journals (provided by the department).