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Nordic Outdoor Life, 7.5 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2022-10-17

Swedish name: Nordiskt friluftsliv

This syllabus is valid: 2023-01-09 and until further notice

Course code: 2ID008

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: First cycle

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Education

Established by: Head of Department of Education, 2015-08-31

Revised by: Head of Department of Education, 2022-10-17


The course applies cultural, historical, sociological, political and pedagogical perspectives on Nordic outdoor life. In focus is basic knowledge and understanding about trends and traditions in outdoor life in Scandinavia and particularly Sweden. The course also direct focus at how to plan, organize and execute safe outdoor recreation activities.

Expected learning outcomes

After the course the students should have acquired competence to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • understand trends and traditions in Swedish Outdoor life from a cultural, historical, sociological, political and pedagogical perspective.
  • understand and discuss constraints and opportunities for outdoor recreation in urban areas.

Skills and ability

  • plan, organize and execute traditional Swedish outdoor recreation activities.
  • demonstrate safe and effective outdoor techniques in various settings.

Values and attitudes

  • discuss and use outdoor educational methods, models and concepts as a way to increase and develop physical skills as well as interpersonal- and ecological relationships.

Required Knowledge

General qualifications for university studies. The course is given in English.

Form of instruction

The teaching forms are lectures, seminars and excursions.

Examination modes

For examination the students shall participate in examining seminars and compulsory excursions. The student also shall, within the frame-work of the course, write an assignment on a chosen topic, approved by the course instructor. 

To get a pass all examining seminars, excursions and the written assignment paper tasks must be approved. To get a Pass with distinction the written assignment must in addition be graded as VG (pass with distinction), and special focus is placed on the student´s ability to problematize and analyze the content of the course.  The final grade is the examiners balanced assessment of the student´s results. The final grades are U (Fail), G (Pass) and VG (Pass with distinction).

A student who has not been approved at an ordinary examination shall be offered a scheduled re-sit examination in close connection to the course (within two months). A third examination opportunity is offered within a year from the ordinary examination.

If examinations or compulsory learning sessions cannot be repeated in accordance with current rules for re-examination, they may be replaced by other forms of assignments. The extent and content of such an assignment shall be in proportion to the missing compulsory sessions. A student who has failed two different assignments in a course or a part of a course is entitled to get a new examiner, if not exceptional reasons oppose this (HF 6 chap 11b §). In any such case the student must get in contact with the Director of Studies at the department.

Students who receive the grade "Fail" at the third examination are requested to assign to the examinations the next time the course is given. Reexaminations based on the same curriculum are guaranteed within two years after the first course registration.

Earlier studies that correspond to the course contents may require credit transfer. The review is individual. For more information, contact the study counselor.

Other regulations

The course may require costs for the participants as the course will be held at places outside the university area that will need overnight stay. The participants are assumed to have appropriate equipment for the outdoor activities.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.