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Current Trends and a Minor in Business Development D, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Current Trends and a Minor in Business Development D

This syllabus is valid: 2015-08-24 valid to 2016-08-28 (newer version of the syllabus exists)

Course code: 2FE197

Credit points: 30

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Business Administration: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Business Administration

Revised by: Rector of Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2015-06-11


The course gives the opportunity to further develop within the major subject in a module on the latest development and in a module on research methodology. The course also gives a minor subject in Business Development. The course is given an examined in English.

Generic learning outcome.
The course has a number of goals for the development of generic competences. After completing the course, the student should be able to:
•    appreciate diversity and multiculturality and work effectively in multicultural teams
•    integrate knowledge and expertise from different fields for decision making in companies and  organization and for identifying, analysing and solving problems related to entrepreneurship and business development
•    plan, conduct, and present verbally and in writing investigations and discuss their conclusion and the knowledge and arguments behind, in dialogue with different types of stakeholders
•    Demonstrate an ability to take ethical and sustainability consideration when analysing and solving business development and entrepreneurship problems

Module 1. Research Methodology in Business Research, 7,5 credits
Module 2. Entrepreneurship and Business Growth, 7.5 credits
Module 3. Managing Networks and Internationalisation, 7,5 credits
Module 4. Current Trends in Business Administration, 7,5 credits

Module 1. Research Methodology in Business Research, 7,5 credits
The overarching aim of this course is to develop advanced knowledge of perspectives, strategies and design in research. This will increase the student’s ability to carry out and assess business research and investigations. Important building blocks are the problem formulation, frames of reference, scientific approaches, including the ontological and epistemological points of departure, and methods for data collection and analysis.
Expected learning outcomes:
After completing this module the student should be able to:

  • identify and discuss how fundamental assumptions, scientific ideals, perspectives and frames of reference influence a process of scientific knowledge creation
  • formulate and argue for relevant research questions, including the theoretical relevance and positioning
  • discuss characteristics of research strategies and approaches, critically review and assess literature, and discuss and evaluate the suitability of various methods to solve different research questions
  • apply acquired knowledge in the planning, design, implementation and reporting of scientific studies
  • demonstrate an ability to assess and discuss social, environmental and ethical dimensions of business research issuesFocus of instruction:

Lectures, seminars, practical assignment(s), individually or in groups, and the reading material complement each other to help students to develop deep knowledge of what scientific research in business and management fields is all about.

Examination modes
The final grade is based on a written exam and reporting of assignment(s). Participation at all seminars and presentations is compulsory to pass the module. The final grade is awarded when the student has passed all assignments and compulsory course elements. The course is given an examined in English. Note as well examination modes for the course below.
Module 2. Entrepreneurship and Business Growth, 7.5 credits
A key challenge for start-ups and existing organisations is to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit and create growth.The module defines growth in small- and medium-sized enterprises and the differences between entrepreneurial orientation and a more traditional small business orientation. In the module students will analyse entrepreneurship, and how professional investors perceive entrepreneurial growth in emerging enterprises. Main themes concern (i) the theory of entrepreneurship and its connections to business growth, (ii) the characteristics and components of entrepreneurial motivation, risk taking and the willingness to grow businesses, (iii) entrepreneurial strategy-making, (iv) growing pains, downsizing and size management and (v) venture capital and financing challenges. The literature will cover these themes and connect them to businesses. During the module, students work with cases related to the above themes and develop consultant solutions to solve the issues and problems outlined in the cases.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:

  • apply theoretical knowledge to identify and evaluate challenges for, and ethical consequences of, entrepreneurial growth 
  • analyse driving forces for entrepreneurial growth and create strategies for new venture development
  • analyse the constituents of governmental intervention for the benefit of entrepreneurial growth
  • identify and make decisions about how to turn around entrepreneurial ventures in distress
  • apply investors decision making tools in order to evaluate and improve entrepreneurial ventures Focus of instruction

Learning is supported by lectures and seminars and the teaching is characterized by a strong emphasis on students activity, both verbally and in written tasks. Presentation skills and team work is focused upon. Assignments will include both practical analyses of growth possibilities and growth restrictions on the separate themes during the course.  The student is expected to actively participate both individually and work in small groups during seminars and tasks, and in the written and oral presentations.
Examination modes
The examination consists of practical “hands-on” team presentations and case reports of the themes covered in the module and an individual written exam. A passing grade is required for each part of the module. The course is given and examined in English. Note as well examination modes below for the course as a whole.
Module 3. Managing Networks and Internationalisation, 7,5 credits
In the module, the two main topics are internationalisation and networking of entrepreneurial organizations. Key issues in this module are how companies can develop business capabilities through internationalization and networking;  building, maintaining and supporting businesses  with various modes of foreign operations, e.g., exporting,  joint ventures, alliances and networks, meeting competition from existing incumbents as well as  new entrants during internationalization and to balancing cooperation and competition in international business settings.  The students will analyze strategies for internationalization and network relationships through cases.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:

  • identify strategic and ethical aspects of networking and internationalisation processes
  • interpret the dynamic structures and processes for international business development
  • apply models and theories via decision based simulations and cases
  • explain the relationships between entrepreneurship, networking, internationalisation and business development
  • develop measures and recommendations in order to support business development activities Focus of instruction

From lectures, seminars and the literature base the ambition is to encourage the development of a conceptual understanding of the field. The integration of models and perspectives will be accomplished by different learning methods like cases and simulations. During the module students will analyse cases (company/ organization/network or an industry). The simulation will help the students to act upon suggestions for strategies and actions programs for networking and international development.
Examination modes
The examination is based on three parts: 1) active participation on literature and case seminar(s) with written reports and oral presentations 2) active participation in business simulation game 3) individual home exam. The course is given and examined in English. Note as well examination modes below for the course as a whole.

Module 4. Current Trends in Business Administration, 7,5 credits
The aim of this module is to lead the students to explore, create greater far-sightedness and also readiness to meet emerging strategic trends in business environments. The first part of the course focuses on general theories, practice, and methods related to future studies. Specific attention is paid to international “mega trends” which are predicted to have a long-term impact on society at large, e.g. climate change, globalization, and an aging population. The second part concentrates on the core areas of the five master programs at USBE, and will examine how “mega trends” may be transformed to strategies and management routines related to the business sector.  Emerging research questions and suggestions for future research in accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, management, or marketing will be discussed. In the last part of the module, but introduced at the beginning of the module, each student will apply acquired knowledge to develop a conceptual paper based on the identification of one future-oriented topic.    
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module the student should be able to:

  • evaluate emerging trends in society
  • demonstrate familiarity with forecasting/scanning/scenario/monitoring methods
  • formulate specific action plans of how to meet current trends in specific sub-disciplines in the business sector
  • with a research approach evaluate the state of the art and identify and communicate future trends within the major field of the master program relevant for respective student 

Focus of instruction
Learning is supported by lectures, seminars and course papers. The core topics will be covered by lectures and seminars, in which students will be expected to take an active part. Students are required to make oral presentations at seminars and to submit written course papers.
Examination modesExamination is based upon the completion and defense of an individual conceptual paper concerning future trends in the student's area of specialization. A passing grade is required for each part of the module. The course is given an examined in English. Note as well examination modes for the course below.


Expected learning outcomes

See each separate module.

Required Knowledge

Admitted to one of the following Master programs in Business Administration (Management, Accounting, Marketing or Finance) at Umeå School of Business and Economics. 30 credits within the core course in Business Administration at the master program.

Form of instruction

See each separate module.

Examination modes

See each separate module and below.
The following grading system is used:
Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd, VG, 75% or more),
Pass (Godkänd, G, 50% or more)
and Fail (Underkänd U, less than 50%).
Grades on the course are awarded when the student has passed all examinations and compulsory course elements. The course is given and examined in English.
To receive the grade Pass with distinction (VG) in the 30 credits course consisting of four modules of the same size, the student must have achieved Pass with distinction (VG) in at least three out of four modules. In shorter courses for example 7,5 credit courses, 15 credit courses or 22,5 credits courses Pass with distinction (VG) is given when the student has achieved at least 75% of the total weighted points.
A student who does not pass at the time of the written examination will be offered an opportunity to sit a further examination within two months. Beyond that, additional examination opportunities normally arise every academic year, one week prior to the start of the autumn term.
In case of failure on seminar participation or individual and group assignments, compensating assignments must be completed in accordance with instructions given, no later than two weeks after the completion of the module. Mandatory assignments (seminars, written assignments, cases, computer assignments etc.) that have not been handed in within stipulated time must be done the next time the course is offered. If the form of examination does not permit repetition other forms of re-examination may be used.
When a student has failed an examination on two occasions, he or she has a right to have another grading teacher. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of studies no later than two weeks before the next examination opportunity.
A student who has passed an examination cannot redo the examination to get a higher grade.
If a student fails to present a photo ID at the occasion of a written exam in an exam room will not be allowed to take the exam.
Disciplinary action may be taken against students who uses unauthorized help aids or in some other way tries to mislead on a test or when another type of task is being evaluated. Rules and regulations concerning the production of academic texts and correct referencing will be applicable to all written assignments. (see instructions in the thesis manual, Thesis Writing in Business Administration). Urkund records may be used for control. In addtion, Umeå University rules and regulations for education and research applies:  http://www.umu.se/regelverk/utbildning-pa-grund--och-avancerad-niva
Educational activities are designed to facilitate students towards achieving expected learning outcomes and can explain, supplement and provide contrast to the course literature and other relevant course materials.

Other regulations

Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.


Valid from: 2015 week 35

Module 1

Research methods in business studies
Ghauri Pervez N., Grønhaug Kjell
4. ed. : Harlow : Pearson Education : 2010 : xx, 265 p. :
ISBN: 978-0-273-71204-6 (pbk.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Business ethics : managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization
Crane Andrew, Matten Dirk
3. ed. : Oxford : Oxford University Press : 2010 : xxv, 614 s. :
ISBN: 978-0-19-956433-0 (pbk.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Umeå School of Business and Economics (latest edition)
Thesis writing in Business Administration. Thesis manual.
Företagsekonomi :

Walkenbach John
Excel 2013 bible
Indianapolis : Wiley : 2013 : 1 online resource (xxxvii, 1012 p.) :
ISBN: 9781118491720 (e-book)
Search the University Library catalogue