Swedish name: Current Trends and a Minor in Business Development D
This syllabus is valid: 2012-08-27 valid to 2013-08-18 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
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Syllabus for courses starting before 2013-08-18
Course code: 2FE197
Credit points: 30
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Business Administration: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Business Administration
The core course consists of four modules, which will be further described below:
Module 1. Research Methodology, 7.5 ECTS
Module 2. Entrepreneurship and business growth, 7.5 ECTS
Module 3. Managing networks and internationalisation, 7,5 ECTS
Module 4. Current Trends in Business Administration, 7,5 ECTS
The Master Degree of Business Development and Internationalisation is an advanced degree program directed to students aiming to become entrepreneurs as well as managers or project leaders focused on (international) business development. The aim is to prepare students with skills involved in launching and leading businesses but also to use those skills to develop and run businesses or business units with a direction toward innovation, international expansion and growth. During the four core modules of the program, students will be exposed to theory as well as practical hands-on work with real businesses.
Module 1. Research Methodology, 7.5 ECTS
Expected learning outcomes:
Examination modes
Module 2. Entrepreneurship and Business Growth, 7.5 ECTS
A key challenge for start-ups and existing organisations is to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit, consolidate business activities and create growth. Obviously, this is a main concern of small as well as large companies, whereby it is a huge market for business consultancy. To prepare students for this demand, this course focuses on management for and under business growth. Main themes concern (i) the theory of entrepreneurship and its connections to business growth, (ii) the characteristics and components of entrepreneurial motivation, risk taking and the willingness to grow businesses, (iii) entrepreneurial strategy-making, (iv) growing pains, downsizing and size management and (v) venture capital and financing challenges. The course literature will cover these themes and connect them to businesses. During the course, students work with cases related to the above themes and develop consultant solutions to solve the issues and problems outlined in the cases. In order to prepare students for future consultant work and for contemporary organizations, much of the work in this course will be executed in teams.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:•apply theoretical knowledge to identify and evaluate challenges for and under entrepreneurial business growth
Focus of instruction
A mix of lectures and seminars will be used and the teaching is characterized by a strong emphasis on
student activity, both verbally and in written tasks. Presentation skills and team work is focused upon. A core idea in the programme, is action based learning (or learning by experience) and how to use literature and theoretical ideas to create practical value for companies. Therefore, the module includes assignments that require team work aiming at developing consultant solutions for a set of key problems that exists for many entrepreneurs and companies. These hands-on assignments run throughout the module. The assignments will include both practical analyses of growth possibilities and growth restrictions on the separate themes during the course. The student is expected to actively participate both individually and work in small groups during the different seminars and tasks, and in the written and oral presentations.
Examination modes
The examination consists of practical “hands-on” team presentations and case reports of the themes covered in the course. An individual written exam covering the main themes will be given at the end of this module. A passing grade is required for each part of the module.
Module 3. Managing Networks and Internationalisation
This module highlights how companies can develop business capabilities through internationalization and networking. Key themes in this course are therefore to build, maintain and support business cooperation constellations in terms of joint ventures, alliances and networks, understanding and meeting competition from existing incumbents and new entrants as well as balancing cooperative and competitive relationships in international business settings. Furthermore, the participants will practice to analysing and planning internationalization strategies. Linkages to public and private policies and institutions will be introduced as an important resource base. The students will analyse a real organization’s network relationships and internationalisation.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:•identify strategic aspects of networking and internationalisation processes
Focus of instruction
From lectures, seminars and the literature base the ambition is to encourage the development of a conceptual understanding of the field. The integration of models and perspectives will be accomplished by different learning methods like real-life cases and simulations. During the course students will analyse real cases (company/ organization/network or an industry). The simulation will help the students to act upon suggestions for strategies and actions programs for network and international development.
Module 4. Current Trends in Business Administration 7,5 ECTS
Expected learning outcomes module 4
Focus of instruction
See respective module.
University: Admitted to one of the following Master programs in Business Administration (Management, Accounting, Marketing or Finance) at Umeå School of Business and Economics.
See respective module.
Academic credit transfer
Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.
This is a course at D-level (Advanced level) in the Masters program in Business and Administration at Umeå School of Business and Economics
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.