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Sámi Cultural Studies A, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Samiska kulturstudier A

This syllabus is valid: 2009-08-31 and until further notice

Course code: 1SA083

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Sami Studies: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Language Studies

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements


  • Valid from: 2013 week 36

    Introduction to Sámi culture

    Andersson Olle
    Den sista rajden : samer berättar om livet förr
    Östersund : Jamtli/Jämtlands läns museum : 2000 : 109 s. :
    ISBN: 91-7948-162-0 (inb.) ; 267:00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Språkbyte och språkbevarande : om samiskan och andra minoritetsspråk
    Hyltenstam Kenneth, Stroud Christopher
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1991 : 175, [1] s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-33241-6 ; 205:00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Haetta Odd Mathis
    Samene : Nordkalottens urfolk
    Kristiansand : Høyskoleforl. : 2002 : 260 s. :
    ISBN: 82-7634-428-3 , h.
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Lundmark Lennart
    Stulet land : svensk makt på samisk mark
    [Ny utg.] : Stockholm : Ordfront : 2010 : 253 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-7441-987-0
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Humanity : an introduction to cultural anthropology
    Peoples James, Bailey Garrick Alan0 312974
    8. ed. : Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth : cop. 2009 : 463 s. :
    ISBN: 0-495-50874-8
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Ruong Israel
    Samerna i historien och nutiden
    4., helt omarb. uppl. : Stockholm : Bonnier fakta : 1982 : 279, [1]s. :
    ISBN: 91-34-50051-0
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Solbakk John Trygve
    Samene : en håndbok
    [Ny rev. utg.] : Karsjok : Davvi girji : 2004 : 288 s. :
    ISBN: 82-7374-290-3
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Samerna i historien och nutiden. : Studieplan
    Ruong Israel, Stoor Krister
    Storuman : Samekomm., Studieförb. Vuxenskolan : [1991] : 31 s. :

    Handicraft and Material Culture

    Bergmann Sigurd
    Så främmande det lika : samisk konst i ljuset av religion och globalisering
    Trondheim : Tapir akademisk forlag : cop. 2009 : 452 s. :
    ISBN: 978-82-519-2205-0
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Samernas historia fram till 1750
    Hansen Lars Ivar, Olsen Bjørnar, Larson Per
    1. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber : 2006 : 411 s. :
    ISBN: 91-47-05305-4
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Humanity : an introduction to cultural anthropology
    Peoples James, Bailey Garrick Alan0 312974
    8. ed. : Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth : cop. 2009 : 463 s. :
    ISBN: 0-495-50874-8
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Thomasson Lars
    Ur jämtlandssamernas nutidshistoria : en mer än hundraårig kulturkamp
    1. uppl. : Östersund : Gaaltije : cop. 2002 : [2], 249 s. :
    ISBN: 91-631-2771-7 (inb.)
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Samisk kunst- og kulturhistorie
    Tveterås Frode, Arntsen Trude, Jernsletten Regnor
    Nesbru : Vett & Viten : 2002 : 157 s. :
    ISBN: 82-412-0278-4, ib. : Nkr 298.00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Sámi Spirituality and Mythology

    Arvidsson Alf
    Folklorens former
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1999 : 253 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00733-7 ; 320:00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Haetta Odd Mathis
    Samene : Nordkalottens urfolk
    Kristiansand : Høyskoleforl. : 2002 : 260 s. :
    ISBN: 82-7634-428-3 , h.
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Fragmenter i Lappska Mythologien
    Læstadius Lars Levi, Pentikäinen Juha
    Åbo : NIF : 1997 : 275 s. :
    ISBN: 952-9724-20-9
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Mebius Hans
    Bissie : studier i samisk religionshistoria.
    Östersund : Jengel, 2003 (Östersund : eri) : 247 s. : ill. :
    ISBN: 91-88672-05-0
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Humanity : an introduction to cultural anthropology
    Peoples James, Bailey Garrick Alan0 312974
    8. ed. : Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth : cop. 2009 : 463 s. :
    ISBN: 0-495-50874-8
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Stoor Krister
    Att jojka är att leva. CD-skiva.*
    Sámi dutkan/samiska studier. Umeå universitet : 2002 :

    Westerdahl Christer
    Sydsamer : från Bottenhavet till Atlanten : en historisk introduktion till samerna i Ångermanland och Åsele lappmark med angränsande delar av Jämtland och Norge
    Skärhamn : Båtdokgruppen : 2008 : 378 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-87360-45-9 (inb.)
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Cross-Cultural Indigenous Studies 1

    Bonvillain Nancy.
    Native nations : cultures and histories of Native North America
    Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall : c2001. : xii, 634 p. :
    ISBN: 0-13-863242-1 (pbk.)
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Hansen Emma I.
    Memory and vision : arts, cultures and lives of Plains Indian peoples
    Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press : 2007 : 319 s. :
    ISBN: 0-295-98579-8
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Inuit art : an introduction
    Hessel Ingo, Hessel Dieter T.
    London : British Museum : 1998 : 192 s. :
    ISBN: 0-7141-2545-8 ; GBP 29.95
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Humanity : an introduction to cultural anthropology
    Peoples James, Bailey Garrick Alan0 312974
    8. ed. : Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth : cop. 2009 : 463 s. :
    ISBN: 0-495-50874-8
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Native religions and cultures of North America : anthropology of the sacred : Anthropology of the Sacred
    London : Continuum International Publishing Group : 2003 :

    Stern Pamela R.
    Daily life of the Inuit
    Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood : c2010 : xxx, 206 p. :
    ISBN: 978-0-313-36311-5 (hardcopy : alk. paper)
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Saqiyuq : stories from the lives of three Inuit women
    Wachowich Nancy, Awa Apphia Agalakti, Katsak Rhoda Kaukjak., Katsak Sandra Pikujak.
    1st paperback ed. : Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press : 2001. : viii, 301 p. :

  • Valid from: 2009 week 36

    Ziker John Peter
    Peoples of the tundra : northern Siberians in the post-communist transition
    Long Grove, Ill. : Waveland Press : cop. 2002 : x, 197 s. :
    ISBN: 1-57766-212-1
    Search the University Library catalogue