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Old Testament Narratives and Theology: Specialization Course in Exegesis without studies in Hebrew, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Gamla testamentets berättelser och teologi: icke-språklig påbyggnadskurs i exegetik

This syllabus is valid: 2014-01-06 and until further notice

Course code: 1RE148

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Theology: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Revised by: Head of Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, 2013-11-19


Valid from: 2014 week 2

Bibeln : Bibelkommissionens översättning : noter, parallellhänvisningar, uppslagsdel
Stockholm : Verbum : 2001 : 2479, [1], xxxii s. :
ISBN: 91-526-9911-0 (Verbum (hårdbd, röd) ;
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Kohlenberger John R
The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament
New York: Zondervan : 1993 :

The Student's Concise Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Bible : containing all of the Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Hebrew scriptures with their meanings in English
Eugen, Or. : Wipf & Stock : 2003 : 287 s. :
ISBN: 1-59244-257-9
Search the University Library catalogue

Yee Gale A.
Judges & method : new approaches in biblical studies
2nd ed. : Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press : c2007. : ix, 284 p. :
ISBN: 9780800638580 (alk. paper)
Search the University Library catalogue

Olofsson Staffan
Gamla testamentets texthistoria och textkritik
Uppsala: Bibelakademiförlaget : 2014 :

Gud och det utvalda folket : inledning till Gamla Testamentet
Eriksson LarsOlov, Viberg Åke
Stockholm : Verbum : 2009 : 240 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-526-3077-8
Search the University Library catalogue

Matthews Victor H.
A brief history of ancient Israel
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox : 2002 : 171 s. :
ISBN: 0-664-22436-9
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Gerstenberger Erhard S.
Theologies in the Old Testament
Fortress Press ed. : Minneapolis : Fortress Press : 2002 : x, 358 p. :
ISBN: 0-8006-3465-9
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The Old Testament world
Davies Philip R., Rogerson J. W.
Edinburgh : T & T Clark : 2005 : 256 s. :
ISBN: 0-567-08488-4 (pbk.)
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Rad Gerhard von
Genesis : a commentary
John Knox Press : 2005 :
ISBN: 978-0-664-22745-6
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André Gunnel
Det står skrivet - med inblickar mellan raderna : kommentarer till Den svenska evangeliebokens gammaltestamentliga texter
Uppsala : Bibelakademiförlaget : 2011 : 499 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-979724-2-0 (inb.)
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Sawyer John F. A.
The fifth gospel : Isaiah in the history of Christianity
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 1996 : 281 s., [31] pl.-s. :
ISBN: 0-521-44007-6 (inb.)
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