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Faculty Course: The Linguistic Landscapes of Northern Scandinavia, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Profilkurs: Nordskandinaviens språkliga landskap

This syllabus is valid: 2022-01-03 and until further notice

Course code: 1PK005

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: No main field: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Language Studies

Established by: Faculty director of studies, Faculty of arts, 2021-09-09


Valid from: 2022 week 1

Developing methods for the study of linguistic landscapes in sparsely populated areas
Cocq Coppélie, Granstedt Lena, Lindgren Eva, Lindgren Urban
Umeå : Umeå universitet : 2020 : 32 :

Coupland Nikolas
Bilingualism on display: The framing of Welsh and English in Welsh public spaces
Included in:
Language in society
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : pages 1-27 :

Studying Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape
Marten H, Gorter D, Van Mensel L
Included in:
Minority languages in the linguistic landscape
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan : 2012 : 352 p. : pages 1-15 :

Phan Nhan
Memories and semiotic resources in place-making. A case study in the Old Quarter in Hanoi, Vietnam. I: Linguistic Landscape, 7:1, s. 86-115
Linguistic Landscape : 2021 :

Pietikäinen Sari
Frozen actions in the Arctic linguistic landscape: a nexus analysis of language processes in visual space
Included in:
International journal of multilingualism.
Clevedon [England] : Multilingual Matters : 2004- : 8 : pages 277–298 :

Gal S
Language and political spaces
Included in:
Language and space
New York, N.Y. : De Gruyter Mouton : 2010 : xix, 889, s. : pages 33–50 :

Introducing semiotic landscapes
Jaworski Adam, Thurlow Crispin
Included in:
Semiotic landscapes
London : Continuum : 2010 : viii, 298 s., [12] pl.-s. : pages 1–40 :

Tuan Yi-Fu
Space and place: humanistic perspective
Included in:
Philosophy in geography
Dordrecht : cop. 1979 : 469 s. : pages 387–427 :

Edlund Lars-Erik
Språklig mångfald i södra lappmarken
Included in:
Morfars karta visar vägen
Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet : 2013 : xxxvii, 528 s. : pages 363–372 :

Edlund Lars-Erik
Minority language place-names: a practice-oriented study of the establishment of the South Sami Kraapohke in Swedish Lapland
Included in:
2005-2007 : 66 : pages 156–165 :

Jahr Ernst Håkon
The pidgin status of russenorsk
Included in:
Language contact in the Arctic
Berlin ;New York : Mouton de Gruyter : 1996 : Online-Ressource (viii, 349 p) : pages 107-122 :

Korhonen Olavi
Samiska ortnamn
Included in:
Samiska rötter
Solna : Sveriges släktforskarförbund : 2016 : 136 s. : pages 89–104 :

Kusmenko Jurij
Borgarmålet: A Sámi-Swedish pidgin from the beginning of the 18th century
Included in:
Odense : Odense U.P. : 1983- : 70 : pages 39–56 :

Pedersen Aud-Kirsti
Norske stadnamn i fleirspråklege område
Included in:
Namn i det fleirspråklege Noreg
Oslo : Novus : 2015 : 363 s. : pages 11-43 :

Andersson Daniel
Markernas kronologi och ideologi. Natur och språkligt platsskapande i norra Sverige med fokus på kolonisationen av Lappmarken.
Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundets handlingar. : 2021 :

Birkarlar and Sámi - inter-cultural contacts beyond state control: reconsidering the standing of external tradesmen (birkarlar) in medieval Sámi societies
Bergman Ingela, Edlund Lars-Erik
Included in:
Acta Borealia
Oslo : Novus forl. : 1984-2010 : 33 : pages 52-80 :

Edlund Lars-Erik
Kartor – mentala och andra
Included in:
Morfars karta visar vägen
Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet : 2013 : xxxvii, 528 s. : pages 6-27 :

Multilingualism and (im)mobility
Nuottaniemi Andreas, Milani Tommaso
Del Percio, A. & Wei, L. Handbook of Language and Mobilities :

Building the Nation, Writing the Past: History and Textuality at the Ha’apala Memorial in Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Shohamy , Waksman
Included in:
Semiotic landscapes
London : Continuum : 2010 : viii, 298 s., [12] pl.-s. :

Svalastog Anna Lydia
Mapping Sami Life and culture
Included in:
Visions of Sápmi
Røros : Arthub Publisher : 2015 : 200 s. : pages 16-45 :

Andersson Daniel
Indigenous Place-Names in (Post)colonial Contexts: The Case of Ubmeje in Northern Sweden
Included in:
Scandinavian studies
Menasha, Wis. : The Society : [1941-] : 92 : pages 104–126 :

Angermeyer P
Controlling Roma Refugees with ’Google-Hungarian’: Indexing deviance, contempt, and belonging in Toronto’s linguistic landscape
Included in:
Language in society
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 46 : pages 159-183 :

The local political economy of languages in a Sámi tourism destination: Authenticity and mobility in the labelling of souvenirs
Pietikäinen S, Kelly-Holmes H
Included in:
Journal of sociolinguistics.
Oxford : Blackwell Publishers : 1997- : 15 : pages 323–346 :

The Passive Exclusion of Irish in the Linguistic Landscape: A Nexus Analysis
Thistlethwaite , Sebba
Included in:
Conflict, exclusion and dissent in the linguistic landscape
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan : 2015 : xvi, 306 s. :

Andersson Daniel
Ortnamnens funktioner i flerspråkiga områden
Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet : 2017 :

Ben-Rafael E
Linguistic Landscape as Symbolic Construction of the Public Space: The Case of Israel
Included in:
Linguistic landscape
Clevedon : Multilingual Matters : cop. 2006 : 89 s. : pages 7–30 :

Ben Said Salim
Representations of Identity and Linguistic Diversity in the Urban Space of Tunisia
Included in:
"IDENTITIES - Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture"
2013- : 6 : pages 315-341 :

Sami place names and maps: transmitting knowledge of a cultural landscape in contemporary contexts
Cogos S, Roué M, Roturier S
Included in:
Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research
Boulder, Colo. : 2003- : 49 : pages 43-51 :

Edlund Lars-Erik
Finskt och nordiskt i den nordsvenska ortnamnsskatten - några perspektiv
Included in:
Umeå : Två förläggare : 1983- :

Edlund Lars-Erik
Ortnamn och revitalisering. Några reflektioner
Included in:
Katharina och namnen
Uppsala : Seminariet för nordisk namnforskning, Institutionen för nordiska språk, Uppsala universitet : 2018 : 265 s. : pages 145–150 :

The Revitalisation of Basque and the Linguistic Landscape of Donostia-San-Sebastián
Gorter D, Aiestaran J, Cenoz J
Included in:
Minority languages in the linguistic landscape
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan : 2012 : 352 p. : pages 148–163 :

Huss Leena
Reversing language shift in the far North : linguistic revitalization in northern Scandinavia and Finland.
Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : 1999 : 212 s. :
ISBN: 91-554-4623-X
Search the University Library catalogue

Kelly-Holmes H
Language Maintenance or Language Fetishisation? A Response to Michael Klyne
Included in:
Current issues in language & society
Clevedon : Multilingual matters : 1994- : 4 : pages 167–171 :

Korhonen Olavi
Samiska namn nedanför lappmarksgränsen
Included in:
Luleå : Norrbottens Hembygdsförbund : 2009 : 305 s. :

Reading images : the grammar of visual design
Kress Gunther R., Van Leeuwen Theo
2. ed. : London : Routledge : 2006 : 1 online resource (321 p.) :
ISBN: 9780203619728
Search the University Library catalogue

Linguistic landscape and ethnolinguistic vitality: An empirical study
Landry R, Bourhis R
Included in:
Journal of language and social psychology [Elektronisk resurs].
Cleveland, Avon, England : Multilingual Matters : 16 : pages 23-49 :

Legge N
A Survey of the Linguistic Landscape of Stockholm University
Stockholms Universitet : 2015 :

Mæhlum Brit
Stigma og stolthet. Samisk identitetforvaltning i det seinmoderne samfunnet
Included in:
Fra holtijaR til holting
Oslo : Novus : 2012 : 424 s. :

Puzey Guy
Planning the Linguistic Landscape. A Comparative Survey of the Use of Minority Languages in the Road Signage of Norway, Scotland and Italy
University of Edinburgh : 2007 :

Salo H
Using Linguistic Landscape to Examine the Visibility of Sámi Languages in the North Calotte
Included in:
Minority languages in the linguistic landscape
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan : 2012 : 352 p. : pages 243–259 :

Lägesrapport om de samiska språken 2018
Anders Östergren, Ingegerd Vannar
2019 :

Sandst Line
Urbane stednavne - storbyens sproglige dimension : en stilistisk-retorisk analyse af urbane stednavne i det københavnske byrum
[Köpenhamn] : Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet : 2015 : 306 s. :

Mediating Structures in Sámi Language Revitalisation
Sarivaara Erika, Keskitalo Pigga
Included in:
Social inclusion
2013- : 4 : pages 11–18 :

Discourses in place : language in the material world
Scollon Ronald, Scollon Suzanne B. K.
London : Routledge : 2003 : xiii, 242 s. :
ISBN: 9780415290494
Search the University Library catalogue

Swedell Ulla
Gällivares bebyggelsenamn ur minoritetsperspektiv
Included in:
Namn i flerspråkiga och mångkulturella miljöer
Umeå : Umeå universitet, Institutionen för nordiska språk : 2009 : 177 s. : pages 27–36 :

Swedell Ulla
Samiskt, finskt och svenskt kulturmöte i ortnamnsperspektiv
Included in:
Namn och mångkultur - flerspråkiga miljöer och kulturella influenser
Uppsala : Ortnamnssällskapet i Uppsala : 2007 : 122 s. :