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Artificial Intelligence: Perspectives from the Humanities, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Artificiell intelligens: Humanistiska perspektiv

This syllabus is valid: 2025-02-17 and until further notice

Course code: 1NX004

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: No main field: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: HUMlab

Established by: Director, 2025-02-17


In an era characterized by rapid digital developments and the increasing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on our daily lives, it is increasingly important to examine and understand the changes taking place.

This course promotes a holistic understanding of AI and its impact on humans in society by highlighting ethical, cultural and historical perspectives on AI. The course provides skills and knowledge to analyze, interpret and critically reflect on AI use in society from an interdisciplinary humanities perspective.

Expected learning outcomes

To pass the course, the student must demonstrate:

Knowledge and understanding of:

  • be able to describe and explain standard definitions and descriptions of AI
  • demonstrate knowledge of the historical development of AI technologies and its role in society
  • demonstrate knowledge of current and relevant research questions about AI in the Humanities

Skills and abilities:

  • be able to independently search for literature relevant to the subject area
  • be able to apply theories and concepts on the cultural and societal impact of AI from an interdisciplinary humanities perspective.

Judgement and Approach: 

  • evaluate and select theories and concepts from a humanities perspective in relation to an ethical problem statement on AI
  • evaluate and critically reflect on the role of AI in cultural and societal development from an interdisciplinary humanities perspective.

Required Knowledge

Students admitted to the course must have at least 90 ECTS credits, of which at least 15 ECTS credits should be within the 61-90 ECTS credit range in the humanities or the social sciences, or equivalent. English B/6.

Form of instruction

The teaching is conducted on campus through lectures and active participation in seminars. Attendance at the seminars is mandatory unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Examination modes

The course is continuously examined through individual written assignments and active participation in mandatory seminars. 

The course is graded as Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U). The written assignments are assessed with the grades Pass (G) or Fail (U). The examination seminars are assessed with the grades Pass (G) or Fail (U). The individual in-depth assignment is assessed with the grades Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U). A passing grade for the course as a whole requires that all compulsory elements are passed. For the grade Pass with distinction, the grade Pass is required on the first three examinations, and Pass with distinction on the last examination.

Students who have passed may not undergo further examination for higher grades. For those students who have not been approved at the regular examination opportunity, a re-examination is arranged within two months after the ordinary examination opportunity, and another within one year, so-called collection examination.  

Students who have twice failed an examination for a course or part of a course have the right at the next re-examination opportunity to request from the head of education at the Faculty of Humanities that a new examiner be appointed for future re-examinations unless there are special reasons to the contrary.  

Deviations from the syllabus' examination form can be made for a student who has a decision on pedagogical support due to a disability. Individual adaptation of the examination form must be considered based on the student's needs. The examination form is adapted within the framework of the syllabus' expected study results. At the request of the student, the course teacher in consultation, in consultation with the examiner, shall promptly decide on an adapted form of examination. The decision must then be notified to the student.  

Other regulations

In the event that the syllabus expires or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three exams (including regular exams) according to the regulations in the syllabus on which the student was originally registered for a period of a maximum of two years from the previous syllabus expires or the course has been discontinued.  

In granting a university degree, this course may not be combined with any other course that has a similar content. In case of uncertainty, the student should consult the Director of Studies, Humlab, Umeå University.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.