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Music and Sound Processing in Max/MSP, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Musik och Ljudbearbetning i Max/MSP

This syllabus is valid: 2024-03-11 and until further notice

Course code: 1MU013

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Creative Studies: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Creative Studies (Teacher Education)

Established by: Faculty director of studies, Faculty of arts, 2017-03-16

Revised by: Head of Department of Creative Studies, 2025-02-24


The course addresses students with specializations in music, art, interactive technology, design or programming. Basic knowledge of visual programming in Max / MSP is studied through practical exercises. With a focus on new artistic possibilities for composition, performance and creation of interactive installations, the course provides an introduction to music and sound processing in Max / MSP. Max / MSP is one of the leading visual programming languages ​​for experimenting with music and multimedia. The program is used by composers, musicians, artists and application/ installation designers worldwide to create innovative sound compositions, applications, live performances and interactive audio-video installations. The course is a distance course, and is managed through a online learning platform.

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.