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Studies in Humanities, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Studier i humaniora

This syllabus is valid: 2023-08-28 and until further notice

Course code: 1KU032

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: No main field: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Culture and Media Studies

Revised by: Head of Department of Culture and Media Studies, 2023-02-07


The course provides an introduction to studies in the Humanities. The different modules are held by the departments at the Faculty of Arts.
Module 1. Metaphor and metonymy in political discourse (7,5 ects)
In this module, metaphor and metonymy, two of the major tenets in the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, are studied. The focus is on the use and function of these two processes in political discourse. On the basis of this theoretical foundation, the use of metaphorical and metonymic framing on political persuasion is analyzed and its effects dealt with.
Module 2. Propaganda, Public Relations and Journalism  (7,5 ects)
This course module introduces the concepts of propaganda, persuasion, PR, fake news, and discusses their relationship to journalism. Different types of dubious content are presented, and the possible societal consequences of mis- or disinformation are discussed.
Module 3. Swedish Sloyd, Wood-Crafting Culture in Practice (7,5 ects)
The aim for the module is through practical work experience Swedish sloyd-culture. During the course we will focus on traditional woodworking techniques. Specific areas in woodworking will be introduced during the module.
Module 4. Milestones in Nordic History (7,5 ects)
During this course module we will focus on important themes in Nordic History: the development of the Danish and Swedish protestant states, the consequences of the Napoleonic period, the coming of nationalism and new identities in the nineteenth century, the development of the Welfare State, the Nordic Countries and the Second World war and finally Minorities in the Nordic Countries.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing Module 1 the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding

  • account for established Cognitive Linguistic theories and models on metaphor and metonymy
  • describe the uses and function of metaphor and metonymy in political discourse 

Competence and skills

  • analyze the use of metaphorical and metonymic framing on political persuasion
  • independently find relevant sources for completing assignments
  • show an ability to account for, and discuss his or her conclusions in relation to relevant arguments and background knowledge 

Judgment and approach

  • critically evaluate the reliability of different sources

After completing Module 2 the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding:

  • explain, compare and discuss key concepts: propaganda, public relations, disinformation and journalism and problematize the relationship between them

Skills and abilities:

  • identify different types of dubious content and reflect upon the possible societal consequences of mis- or disinformation

Judgement and approach:

  • demonstrate the ability to screen and critically review media content
  • individually and in groups summarize, discuss and present topic-relevant problems that are introduced during lectures, presentations and in texts 

After completing Module 3 the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding:

  • describe and apply different techniques within wood sloyd
  • form an idea in material
  • work safely in a workshop 

Skills and abilities:

  • show ability to work the different processes of sloyd
  • have the ability to complete your practical work

Judgement and approach:

  • be able to evaluate your own and other sloyd artifacts from Swedish traditions            

After completing Module 4 the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding:

  • show and overall knowledge of the milestones in the history of the Nordic countries
  • discuss important social, political and cultural changes in the Nordic countries 

Skills and abilities

  •  compare developments in different Nordic countries

Judgement and approach

  • individually or in groups summarize, discuss and present topic-relevant problems that are dealt with during lectures, presentations and in texts

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements

Form of instruction

The structure of the course

The course is held in English. Teaching consists of lectures, seminars, group exercises, and individual work. When attendance at lectures or exercises is compulsory, that is, of the examining nature, it is specifically stated in the schedule. In case of absence on a compulsory occasion, supplementary information is provided by the teacher.
For those who are registered on a course and have a disability, there are resources for special support. For more information contact the Student Center. Attendance at group work and participation in exercises of examining character is mandatory, and therefore adapted study pace cannot be applied.

Examination modes

Module 1. Metaphor and metonymy in political discourse (7,5 ects)

The module is examined continuously through assignments, participation in mandatory seminars, and individual exams. Group assignments and seminars are graded with Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). Individual essays (final exam) are graded with Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd), Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). To pass an individual 7,5 ECTS module (min. grade G (Pss)) all mandatory parts are required, and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade G. To receive Pass with distinction (VG) for a module, all mandatory parts are required (grade G), and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade VG. 


Module 2. Propaganda, Public Relations and Journalism (7,5 ects) 

The module is examined continuously through assignments, participation in mandatory seminars, and individual exams. Group assignments and seminars are graded with Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). Individual essays (final exam) are graded with Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd), Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). To pass an individual 7,5 ECTS module (min. grade G (Pss)) all mandatory parts are required, and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade G. To receive Pass with distinction (VG) for a module, all mandatory parts are required (grade G), and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade VG. 


Module 3. Swedish Sloyd, Wood-Crafting Culture in Practice (7,5 ects)

The module is examined continuously through assignments, participation in mandatory seminars, and individual exams. Group assignments and seminars are graded with Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). Individual essays (final exam) are graded with Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd), Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). To pass an individual 7,5 ECTS module (min. grade G (Pss)) all mandatory parts are required, and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade G. To receive Pass with distinction (VG) for a module, all mandatory parts are required (grade G), and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade VG. 


Module 4. Milestones in Nordic History (7,5 ects)

The module is examined continuously through assignments, participation in mandatory seminars, and individual exams. Group assignments and seminars are graded with Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). Individual essays (final exam) are graded with Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd), Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). To pass an individual 7,5 ECTS module (min. grade G (Pss)) all mandatory parts are required, and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade G. To receive Pass with distinction (VG) for a module, all mandatory parts are required (grade G), and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade VG. 


For each examining part of the course there is a regular examination given with a second reexamination within two months after the regular examination. For examinations performed in May and June, the first reexamination are offered within three months of the regular examination. In addition to this, a third reexamination is given within a year after the end of the course. Those who have passed the test may not undergo a re-test for higher grades. 
A student who does not fully meet the objectives of an examination but is close to the limit for a passing grade can, after a decision by the examiner, be given the opportunity to supplement in order to achieve the examination assignment's criteria for a passing grade. Completion of the examination must be adapted individually based on the goal(s) not achieved by the student and must take place within two weeks after the students have been notified of the examination results, but before the next examination opportunity. It is only permitted to supplement an unsuccessful result to pass, supplementation for higher grades is not permitted.  

The examiner can decide on deviations from the syllabus' examination form. Individual adaptation of the examination form must be considered based on the student's needs. The examination form is adapted within the framework of the syllabus' expected study results. Students who need an adapted examination must request adaptation from the department responsible for the course no later than 10 days before the examination. The examiner decides on an adapted examination which is then communicated to the student. 

To pass the course, all exams and compulsory parts must be passed. The grade constitutes a summary assessment of the results in the various parts of the examination and is only set when all compulsory parts have been approved. To obtain the grade Pass with distinction on the entire course, the student must have received this grade on modules of at least 22.5 credits (adapted to the course). 

Students who are registered for a course and have registered credits in Ladok on the course have the right to be examined on the course and its parts up to two years after the first registration date. A student who, without a passing grade, has passed an ordinary examination and a re-examination for the course, has the right to have another examiner appointed at the next re-examination, unless there are special reasons to the contrary. Requests for a change of examiner are made to the director of studies at the Department of Culture and Media Studies. 

Transfer of credits 
The student who wishes to take advantage of education obtained at another department or university (Swedish / foreign) must do so in the order described in Tillgodoräknandeordning vid Umeå universitet (Dnr. 545-3317-02). 

The application for credit must be made in writing. The application must state which element or course the application refers to. Certified copies of course certificates or equivalent, stating the university, time, subject affiliation, level, points and grades must be attached. In addition, the syllabus, including bibliography for the courses referred to and, where applicable, essay work, must be attached. 

Other regulations

In a degree, this course may not be included together with another course with similar content. In case of uncertainty, the student should consult Director of Studies at the Department of Culture and Media Studies.


Valid from: 2023 week 35

The course litterature may be change / updated if neccesery, but no later than two months before the start of the course.

Module 1: Metaphor and metonymy in political discourse

Littlemore Jeannette
Metonymy : hidden shortcuts in language, thought and communication
New York : Cambridge University Press : 2015 : 227 s. :
ISBN: 9781107043626
Search the University Library catalogue

Ritchie L. David.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 2013 : 230 s. :
ISBN: 9781107022546
Search the University Library catalogue

Module 2: Propaganda, Public Relations and Journalism

Barclay Donald A.
Fake news, propaganda, and plain old lies : how to find trustworthy information in the digital age
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield : 2018 : xv, 228 pages :
ISBN: 9781538108895
Search the University Library catalogue

Propaganda & persuasion
Jowett Garth, O'Donnell Victoria
Seventh edition : Los Angeles : Sage : [2019] : 400 sidor :
ISBN: 9781506371344
Search the University Library catalogue

Jansen Sue Curry
Stealth communications : the spectacular rise of public relations
Cambridge, UK : Polity Press : 2017 : 1 online resource (vii, 242 pages) :
Online access for UMUB
ISBN: 9781509516032
Search the University Library catalogue

Additional texts and internet links.

Module 3: Swedish Sloyd, Wood-Crafting Culture in Practice

Sundqvist Jögge
Slöjd in wood.
Natur och kultur/LTs förlag, Stockholm 2018 : 2018 :

Module 4: Milestones in Nordic History

Nordic narratives of the Second World War : national historiographies revisited
Stenius Henrik, Österberg Mirja, Östling Johan
Lund : Nordic Academic Press : 2011 : 173 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-85509-49-2 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue

A concise history of Sweden from the Viking Age to the present
First edition : Lund : Studentlitteratur : [2018] : 229 sidor :
ISBN: 9789144104973
Search the University Library catalogue

Hilson Mary
The Nordic model : Scandinavia since 1945
London : Reaktion Books : 2008 : 1 online resource (234 p.) :
ISBN: 9781861894618
Search the University Library catalogue