Swedish name: Sveriges historia
This syllabus is valid: 2024-09-09 and until further notice
Course code: 1HI096
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
History: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Established by: Faculty director of studies, Faculty of arts, 2024-10-02
During this course we will focus on important themes in Swedish History during the last one thousand years: the end of the Viking age and the transformation into a sovereign protestant nation, the age of empire and the geopolitical and cultural consequences of the Napoleonic period, the industrialization and mass politics of the nineteenth century, the democratization and development of the welfare state, Sweden during the second world war and the cold war and finally minorities in Sweden and the Nordic countries.
The course is divided into two modules: literature studies 3,5 credits and essay 4 credits
Knowledge and understanding:
Skills and Abilities:
Judgement and Approach:
The course is held in English. The teaching consists of lectures, seminars, group exercises and individual work. In cases where participation in lectures or exercises is mandatory, i.e. of an examination nature, this is specifically stated in the schedule. In case of absence on mandatory occasions, supplementary information is provided by the teacher.
The course is continuously examined through assignments, participation in mandatory seminars and individual homework assignments. Group assignments and seminars are classified with grades (Pass) or Fail (Fail). Individual essays (final exam) are graded with Pass (VG), Pass (G) and Fail (U). To pass the course (min. grade G), all mandatory parts must have received the grade G. To receive a pass grade (VG) on the course, all mandatory exercises must have received the grade G, and the final exam assignment the grade VG. The grade is determined by the Faculty of Humanities appointed examiner.
Students who fail the examination have a right to retake the examination within two months after the first examination, but not earlier than 10 working days after the results from the original examination has been given to the students and a copy of the exam has been made available. A re-exam must be offered once again within a year. A student who has passed an examination may not be re-examined.
If examinations or compulsory learning sessions cannot be repeated in accordance with current rules for re-examination, they may be replaced by other forms of assignments. The extent and content of such an assignment shall be in proportion to the missing compulsory sessions.
The examiner can decide on deviations from the examination form of the syllabus. Individual adaptation of the form of examination must be considered based on the student's needs. The form of examination is adapted within the framework of the curriculum's expected study results. Students who need an adapted examination must request adaptation from the institution responsible for the course no later than 10 days before the examination. The examiner decides on an adapted examination, which is then notified to the student.
In the event that the syllabus expires or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three examination sessions (including the regular examination) according to the regulations of the syllabus on which the student was originally registered for a maximum period of two years from the end of the previous syllabus or the course has ceased to be offered.
In granting a university degree, this course may not be combined with any other course that has a similar content. In case of uncertainty, the student should consult the Director of Studies at the Department of Conceptual and Social Studies at Umeå University.
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.