Swedish name: Från vikingar till välfärd: En introduktion till arkeologi och historia i Sverige och Norden
This syllabus is valid: 2024-09-02 valid to 2024-09-08 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
Syllabus for courses starting after 2024-09-09
Syllabus for courses starting between 2024-09-02 and 2024-09-08
Syllabus for courses starting between 2023-06-12 and 2024-09-01
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-06-13 and 2023-06-11
Course code: 1HI079
Credit points: 30
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
No main field: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Revised by: Head of Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, 2024-02-26
With this course students gain insight into the Archaeology, history, history of religions and intellectual history of Sweden and the Nordic countries. The course contains four modules: ancient Scandinavia, history of the Nordic countries, history of Nordic religions (Viking age religion, Sami religion and Christianity) and the Sami, and the intellectual history of Sweden.
Module 1. Ancient Scandinavia (7.5 credits)
The first module introduces the pre-historic times in Scandinavia, that begins in the end of the last Ice Age and ends in the Viking Period. We study the variation and change in material culture, monument types and environments. We also study the interpretations of ancient ways of life lifeways, societies, and Scandinavian ancient beliefs.
Module 2. History of the Nordic countries (7.5 credits)
The second module deals with the history of the Nordic countries from the Early Middle Ages until present day in a comparative perspective. We study, among other things, the rise of the Danish and Swedish protestant states, the consequences of the Napoleonic period, the coming of nationalism and new identities in the nineteenth century, the development of the Welfare State, the Nordic Countries and the Second World War, the situation during the Cold War and finally Minorities in the Nordic Countries.
Module 3. Sami and Old Norse Religion/Nordic religions (7,5 credits)
This module provides a comparative perspective on Nordic religions, from the Viking Age to the present. Focus is on Old Norse religion around year 1000 and Sami religion in the 17th and 18th centuries. The introduction and history of Christianity in Sweden is outlined as well. Topics that are given attention are: sources and source criticism; myth and rite; the cultural and societal context for the different religious traditions; and the indigenous Nordic religions' encounters with Christianity. Further, the different views, interpretations and uses of these religious traditions in the history of research and in popular culture are problematized.
Module 4. Twentieth Century Swedish Intellectual History (7,5 credits)
This course covers Swedish intellectual history, from the early twentieth century and onwards, with a special focus on the role of science and technology in shaping Sweden´s national identity and political culture. Students gain insight into the role of expert knowledge in Swedish society, in tensions between democratic and technocratic tendencies in large scale public health projects, as well as in controversies over the regulation of and policies for biomedicine, IT and the environment. Students are also given the opportunity to engage in discussions about the mutual shaping of knowledge, science, technology, and society.
After completing Module 1 the student should be able to
Knowledge and understanding:
Competence and skills:
Judgement and approach:
After completing Module 2 the student should be able to
Knowledge and understanding:
Comptence and skills:
Judgement and approach:
After completing Module 3 the student should be able to
Knowledge and understanding:
Competence and skills:
Judgement and approach:
After completing Module 4 the student should be able to
Knowledge and understanding:
Competence and skills:
Judgement and approach:
The course is held in English. Teaching consists of lectures, seminars, group exercises, and individual work. When attendance at lectures or exercises is compulsory, that is, of the examining nature, it is specifically stated in the schedule. In case of absence on a compulsory occasion, supplementary information is provided by the teacher.
The course is examined continuously through assignments, participation in mandatory seminars, and individual exams. Group assignments and seminars are graded with graded with Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd). Individual essays and exams are graded with Pass with distinction (Välgodkänd), Pass (Godkänd) and Fail (Underkänd). To pass an individual 7,5 hp module (min. grade G) all mandatory parts are required, and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade G. To receive Pass with distinction (VG) for a module, all mandatory parts are required (grade G), and the individual essay(s) must have received the grade VG. The final grade for the 30 hp course is based on the grades of the individual modules. Grades are set by the Faculty of Humanities' appointed examiner.
Students who fail the examination have a right to retake the examination within two months after the first examination, but not earlier than 10 working days after the results from the original examination has been given to the students and a copy of the exam has been made available. A re-exam must be offered once again within a year. A student who has passed an examination may not be re-examined.
If examinations or compulsory learning sessions cannot be repeated in accordance with current rules for re-examination, they may be replaced by other forms of assignments. The extent and content of such an assignment shall be in proportion to the missing compulsory sessions.
The examiner can decide to adapt the form of examination, specified in the syllabus, to accommodate a student's needs. Individual adaptation of the form of examination should be considered according to a student's needs. Any change to the form of examination must be made within the framework of the curriculum's expected study results. Students who need an adapted examination must request it from the institution responsible for the course no later than 10 working days before the examination. It is the examiner who decides on the adapted examination and then notifies the student.
In the event that the syllabus expires or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three examination sessions (including the regular examination) according to the regulations of the syllabus on which the student was originally registered for a maximum period of two years from the end of the previous syllabus or the course has ceased to be offered.
In a degree, this course may not be included together with another course with similar content. In case of uncertainty, the student should consult Director of Studies at the Department of The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.
Price T. Douglas
Ancient Scandinavia : an archaeological history from the first humans to the Vikings
New York : Oxford University Press : cop. 2015 : PDF (xx, 494 s.) :
Online access for UMUB
ISBN: 9780190231989
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The Viking world
Brink Stefan, Price Neil S.
London : Routledge : 2008 : xxii, 717 p. :
ISBN: 9780203412770 (electronic bk.)
Search the University Library catalogue
Reading instructions: Additional Reading
Sid 11-22, 32-48, 67-76, 94-125, 140-158, 193-203, 274-280, 341-349, 368-378, 411-433, 439-484, 496-561, 621-628, 645-674.
Cummings Vicki
The anthropology of hunter-gatherers : key themes for archaeologists
London : Bloomsbury Academic : 2013 : 163 pages :
ISBN: 9781780932026
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Reading instructions: Additional Reading
sid 1-163
For free online
Ekholm Therese
Mesolithic Settlement in Northernmost Sweden. Economy, Technology, Chronology
Fennoscandia Archaeologica 2016, vol. 33 :
Reading instructions: Additional Reading
sid 5-26
Forsberg Lars
The spread of new technologies in Early Fennoscandia. A view without borders
CAS (Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters) : 2010 :
Reading instructions: Additional Reading
Sid 1-7
Hunters in transition : an outline of early Sámi history
Hansen Lars Ivar, Olsen Bjørnar
Leiden : BRILL : 2013 : 1 online resource (416 p.) :
Online access for UMUB
ISBN: 9789004252554
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Reading instructions: Additional Reading
The Agrarian History of Sweden: From 4000 BC to AD 2000
Morell Mats, Myrdal Janken
Nordic Academic Press : 2015 :
ISBN: 9789187121104
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A concise history of Sweden from the Viking Age to the present
First edition : Lund : Studentlitteratur : [2018] : 229 sidor :
ISBN: 9789144104973
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Hilson Mary
The Nordic model : Scandinavia since 1945
London : Reaktion Books : 2008 : 1 online resource (234 p.) :
ISBN: 9781861894618
Search the University Library catalogue
Nordic narratives of the Second World War : national historiographies revisited
Stenius Henrik, Österberg Mirja, Östling Johan
Lund : Nordic Academic Press : 2011 : 173 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-85509-49-2 (inb.)
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The handbook of religions in ancient Europe
Hammer Olav, Bredholt Christensen Lisbeth, Warburton David A.
Durham : Acumen : 2013 : 456 s. :
ISBN: 9781844657094
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Reading instructions: Selected parts.
The Sami and the Church of Sweden : results from a white paper project
Hübinette Lars, Marlow Siân, Lindmark Daniel, Sundström Olle
Möklinta : Gidlunds förlag : [2018] : 255 sidor :
ISBN: 9789178443970
Search the University Library catalogue
Reading instructions: Selected parts.
Lindow John
Old Norse mythology
New York, NY : Oxford University Press : [2021] : 231 sidor :
ISBN: 9780190852252
Search the University Library catalogue
Rydving Håkan
Tracing Sami traditions : in search of the indigenous religion among the Western Sami during the 17th and 18th centuries
Oslo : Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture : 2010 : 168 s. :
ISBN: 978-82-7099-543-1 (hd.bd.)
Search the University Library catalogue
Reading instructions: Selected parts.
Articles may be added
The literature used in this module will be made available in digital format on the course site.