Main Field of Study and progress level:
History: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
This course deals with state formation and Sweden’s role in 17th and 18th century Europe. What made it possible for Sweden to play such a significant role in European politics and what made it, in the end, impossible to maintain its status as the great power of northern Europe. These are some of the topics which will be dealt with. Others are: What were the major forces behind Swedish expansion? Why did Sweden enter the great European wars? What were the consequences for Swedish society?
Expected learning outcomes
- the student must have an overall knowledge of Swedish history during the 17th and 18th centuries - the student shall be able to discuss social, political and cultural change in Sweden during the period - the student shall be able to discuss living conditions among people from a class and gender perspective
Required Knowledge
History 1b/1a1+1a2, Civics 1b/1a1+1a2, or History A, Civics A
Form of instruction
Teaching is conducted through tutorials and group exercises.
Examination modes
Examination will include written reports and individual essays. The grade is an overall assessment of the performance at the various examinations and is awarded first when all of the compulsory modules are passed.
Academic credit transfer Academic credit transfers are reviewed individually.
Valid from:
2014 week 8
Ailes, Mary Elizabeth, Wars, "Windows, and State Formation in 17th Century Sweden", SJH 2006, vol, 31, Issue 1, 18pp
Perlestam, Magnus, "The Face of Disobedience and insubordination in a military environment in the reign of King Charles XII of Sweden", SJH 2012, vol 37, Issue 3, 12 pp
Simonsson Örjan, "Information costs and commercial integration. The impact of the 1692 Swedish postage tariff", in Scandinavian Economic History Review, (2013) 61.1, 60-81.
Böhme Klaus-Richard Building a Baltic empire : aspects of Swedish expansion, 1560-1660 Included in: In quest of trade and security Stockholm : Probus : 1994 : 334 s. : Reading instructions: pp 177-221
Glete Jan Bridge and bulwark : the Swedish navy and the Baltic, 1500-1809 Included in: In quest of trade and security Stockholm : Probus : 1994 : 334 s. : Reading instructions: p 9-60
Organization, legitimation, participation : state formation as a dynamic process - the Swedish example, c. 1523-1680 Hallenberg Mats, Holm Johan, Johansson Dan Included in: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- :
Widows, ownership and political culture : Sweden 1650-1800 Karlsson Sjögren Åsa, Lindström Peter Included in: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- : Reading instructions: SJH 2004, vol 29, Issue 3-4, 22 pp
Karonen Petri Coping with peace after a debacle : the crisis of the transition to peace in Sweden after the Great Northern War (1700-1721) Included in: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- :
Kent Neil A concise history of Sweden Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 2008 : 300 s. : ISBN: 978-0-521-81284-9 Search the University Library catalogue
Kujala Antti The breakdown of a society : Finland in the Great Northern War 1700-1714 Included in: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- :
Liliequist Jonas Peasants against nature : crossing the boundaries between man and animal in seventeenth- and eightteenth-century Sweden Included in: Forbidden history Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press : 1992 : vii, 401 s. :
Flattering alliances : Scandinavia, diplomacy, and the Austrian-French balance of power, 1648-1740 Lindström Peter, Norrhem Svante Lund : Nordic Academic Press : 2013 : 263 s. : ISBN: 9789187351075 (inb.) Search the University Library catalogue
Rystad Göran Europe and Scandinavia : aspects of the process of integration in the 17th century Solna : Esselte studium : 1983 : 330 s. : ISBN: 91-24-32785-9 ; Search the University Library catalogue
Stadin Kekke The masculine image of a great power : representations of Swedish imperial power c. 1630-1690 Included in: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- :
Wolff Charlotta The Swedish aristocracy and the French enlightenment circa 1740-1780 Included in: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- :
Österberg Eva Alternative protests among ordinary people in early modern Sweden. Included in: Mentalities and other realities Lund : Lund Univ. Press : 1991 : 207, [1] s. :
Sundin Jan Sinful Sex: Legal Prosecution of Extramarital Sex in Preindustrial Sweden Social science History 16, no 1 : 1992 :
Unger W.S. Trade Through the Sound in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol 12, No 2 : 1959 : Reading instructions: pp206-221
ågren maria His Estate' - or Hers? Three Chapters in the History of Marries Women's Property rights in Sweden, 1350-1850 Gender & History 25, no 2 : 2013 : Reading instructions: 211-229
Katajala-Peltomaa, Sari. Fatherhood, Masculinity and Lived Relition in Late-Medieval Sweden. SJH 38, no 2(2013):223.
Piirimäe, Pärtel. "Just War in the Theory and Practice: The Legitimation of Swedish Intervention in the Thirty Years War". The Historical Journal 45, no 3(2002): 499-523
Raunio, Anu, "Scandinavian Converts to Catholicism in Rome, 1673-1706", SJH 2011, vol 36, Issue 3, 19pp