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Artistic practice, B, 21 Credits

Swedish name: Individuellt konstnärligt arbete, B

This syllabus is valid: 2017-08-28 valid to 2020-02-02 (newer version of the syllabus exists)

Course code: 1FK086

Credit points: 21

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Fine Arts: Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Umeå Academy of Fine Arts

Established by: Faculty director of studies, Faculty of arts, 2017-08-16


The course defines the studies on the master's program. The student will, under supervision, formulate an overall work plan for her / his own artistic work during the study period. Students will independently and collectively develop and realize their own investigative artistic practice, with help and assistance of supervisors whenever needed. Their work is discussed and reviewed critically, individually within studio visits and in group critiques. Within seminars with the group, the student is still given the opportunity to relate to her / his own and fellow students' development, problems, theoretical structure and working methods. The relationship between theoretical and practical choices is emphasized and increasingly complex phenomena and questions about artistic work are processed individually and in groups. During the course, the student also is encouraged to participate in at least one of the elective workshops offered in the program, where students can meet different forms of art and artistic practice methods.


Expected learning outcomes

The student will be able to, on completion of the course

  • demonstrate increased knowledge and understanding of artistic practice in the main subject area of contemporary art and substantial in-depth knowledge, understanding and insight within the self-chosen disciplines wherein the individual artistic vision of each artist is realized,
  • show familiarity with methods and processes to handle complex issues in the field of contemporary art,
  • within the chosen area independently and collectively be able to formulate new questions and realize own ideas and solve related artistic and formative problems,
  • demonstrate ability to critically reflect on their own, the other students´ and any discussed artistic approach,
  • through participation in optional workshops and/or international exchanges within the KUNO - and Erasmus networks and the work performed therein show a further widening and deepening of knowledge and skills regarding their own artistic practice.
  • through study trips abroad and by regularly being exposed to a diversity of internationally acclaimed artists, curators and lecturers, to navigate the intrinsic currents of the international art market and understand the mechanics of the global art world, in Sweden but especially abroad.
  • ability to give constructive criticism both on your own artistic work and to fellow students, and integrate reflection upon such critic into the future practice
  • deepen her / his analytical skills according to the individual area of the artistic research.

Required Knowledge

Participation in the course requires that the student is admitted to the Master's programme in Fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University and has received the grade Pass in at least 25,5 credits from the first semester.

Form of instruction

Language of instruction is English. The course is conducted in the form of individual work and supervision in studios and workshops, as well as in studio discussions and seminars throughout the student group. In introductory seminars, the work of the upcoming semesters is planned and each student presents verbally and / or writing the own planned artistic work. During the course, the student has the right to at least one individual supervision talks and to have his or her own planned and completed art work presented and discussed at least one group critique seminar. The student will also actively participate in the seminars in which the fellow students' work is presented. During the course, the student is encouraged to participate in at least one chosen workshop under supervision.

Certain written material is distributed during the course.

Examination modes

The course is continuously examined at special seminar occasions where its own formwork work and its presentation are assessed. In addition, the seminars assess how the student critically reviews and reflects on the fellow students' work of art.

For students who have not been approved at the regular exam opportunity, a further examination opportunity will be arranged within three months as well as a sampling test within one year.

Grades on the course are Pass or Fail.

Other regulations

Credits are individually tested according to Umeå University's credit rating system.
See http://www.umu.se/utbildning/antagningtillgodoraknande


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.