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Asthetics II, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Estetik II

This syllabus is valid: 2010-08-30 and until further notice

Course code: 1FK034

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Umeå Academy of Fine Arts

Required Knowledge

Aesthetics I, 30hp


Valid from: 2010 week 35

Bachelard Gaston
Rummets poetik
Lund : 2000 :
ISBN: 91-87984-28-8
Search the University Library catalogue

Lapin Leonhard
On Architecture in Life and Ethics
umeå : 2006 :
ISBN: 91-7305-063-4
Search the University Library catalogue

Wallenstein Sven Olov
Den moderna arkitekturen filosofier
Stockholm : Alfabeta : 2004 :
ISBN: 91-5010-2249
Search the University Library catalogue

Adorno Theodor W.
Aesthetic Theory
2004 :
ISBN: 0826476910
Search the University Library catalogue

Agamben Giorgio
The Man Without Content
Stanford : 1999 :
ISBN: 084735549
Search the University Library catalogue

New York : 1997 :
ISBN: 0-486 29577X
Search the University Library catalogue

Hegel G.W.F.
Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics
London : 1993 :
ISBN: 0-140-43335-X
Search the University Library catalogue

Heidegger Martin
Konstverkets ursprung
Stockholm : Daidalos : 2001 :
ISBN: 91-7173-146-6
Search the University Library catalogue

Kant Immanuel
Kritik av omdömeskraften
Stockholm : Thales : 2003 :
ISBN: 91-7235-026-1
Search the University Library catalogue

Kirkegaard Sören
Antingen - eller: Ett livsfragment
Nimrods : 2002 :
ISBN: 91-89034-05-8
Search the University Library catalogue

Lessing Gotthold Ephraim
Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press : 1984 :
ISBN: 0-801-831393
Search the University Library catalogue

Nietzsche Friedrich
Tragedins födelse : Band 1. Filosofin under grekernas tragiska tidsålder
Stockholm : 2000 :
ISBN: 91-71-39477X
Search the University Library catalogue

Schiller Friedrich
On the Aesthetic Education of Man
Dover : 2004 :
ISBN: 0-486-437396
Search the University Library catalogue

Bal Mieke
Looking In: The Art of Viewing
Reading : 2001 :
ISBN: 90-57-011123
Search the University Library catalogue

Deleuze Gilles, Wallenstein S-O, Guattari Felix
Kairos nr 4 : Stockholm : Raster förlag : 1998 :

Kester Grant
Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art
University Presses of California and Columbia : 2004 :
ISBN: 0-520-238397
Search the University Library catalogue