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The Reflecting Pool - Video Art, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Video Art

This syllabus is valid: 2009-06-29 and until further notice

Course code: 1FK032

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Fine Arts: First cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Umeå Academy of Fine Arts


The course is an introductory course in the aethetic, technical and art-historical skills necessary to produce video as a Fine Art medium. Conception development, production, and post-production are explored through making, discussing, and looking at video art and experimental film. The course goal is to develop our own vocabulary for the production of narrative and non-narrative time-based-media. Preparations 3hp In the preparation week, insight to history and todays Video Art is given. Concepts are written and discussed. Storyboard and film work 7hp Workshop. Developing a story board, a shooting plan and technical details. Final edit and presentation 5hp The material is screened, edited, and developed to a final project in form of a video and/or a video installation. The results are discussed in groups and then formatted for a final presentation. Master students in Fine Arts can get credited for this course within their program.

Expected learning outcomes

After the course the students are expected to -have knowledge in the aesthetic, technical and art-historical skills necessary to produce video as a Fine Art Medium -have knowledge about conception development, production, and post-production -have ability to apply concepts and techniques of time-based digital art that constitute an essential area of knowledge for artists today

Form of instruction

Preparations 3hp In the preparation week, insight to history and todays Video Art is given. Concepts are written and discussed. Storyboard and film work 7hp Workshop. Developing a story board, a shooting plan and technical details. Final edit and presentation 5hp The material is screened, edited, and developed to a final project in form of a video and/or a video installation. The results are discussed in groups and then formatted for a final presentation. A DVD will be made and distributed.

Examination modes

Examination by presentation of the Art work at a seminar. A public presentation is also planned.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.