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Image: Mattias Pettersson

General study guidance

Do you want to discuss your options before you decide what to study? Contact a general study counsellor at the Student Services Office. The general study counsellors can also help you with questions about requirements and application. Read more about how we can help you.

The general study counsellors may help you with

  • information about studies offered at Umeå University;
  • information about entry requirements and application;
  • information about admission procedures and degree regulations;
  • individual guidance to help you plan your future studies;
  • general questions about studies abroad.

We have a duty of confidentiality and do not pass on personal information without your consent.

Contact a general study counsellor

  • to get study information or to start an individual guidance process
  • If needed, longer sessions can then be booked with the study counsellor

Digital drop-in

Regular digital drop-in hours: 

  • Tuesdays 12.00-13.30

Connect here

When you click the link, you will first enter an individual waiting room. We will then invite you to the meeting, one visitor at a time.

When you visit us via digital drop-in, we have the ability to share screens, which can be advantageous for showing web pages or documents.

Closed on following days:

  • Closed 11 March


If there are many incoming calls, you will be placed in a queue. 

Regular telephone hours:

  • Thursdays 12:00–13:00

Call us at +46 90 786 72 70

Closed on following days:

  • Closed 27 February

Drop-in on campus in Infocenter 

Regular drop-in hours:

  • Wednesdays 12:00–13:30

Closed on following days:

Find your way to Infocenter

Book a digital meeting 

Here, you can book digital meeting. If no available appointments are visible, it is currently fully booked. You are then welcome to contact us by phone or visit us during our drop-in hours.

Save the confirmation email on your booking! It includes a link for rescheduling/cancelling. It also includes a link to the meeting when you have booked a digital meeting. Please check your spam filter if you cannot find the confirmation email. Add the sender to your safe list to make sure you receive further emails.

You can book a meeting 7 days in advance. Available appointments are released continuously and sometimes at short notice due to cancellations.

Book a digital meeting

Send us a written question

Please use the contact form below to describe your question.


Study counsellors for programmes and courses

At the department or study programme, there are study counsellors who are well-informed about the subject or programme you want to know more about. Contact them if you have more specific questions, for example:

  • about a programme overview
  • course selections within a programme
  • the possibilities for placements or studies abroad, or about approved leave from studies.

These study counsellors are also the persons to turn to if you are considering an application for transfer of credits or options after studying a certain programme.

To find contact information to study counsellors at your department, please visit the department's website. You can also find contact persons for each course or programme in the online catalogue.

Contact form

Your message will be sent to Infocenter at Umeå University. They will pass your message on to the person concerned. Please check your junk mail, to make sure you get our e-mail response. Our e-mails sometimes get stuck in the anti-spam filter.

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.


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Latest update: 2025-02-24