International students from 137 universities across the globe responded to the International Student Barometer (ISB) survey during the autumn semester 2023. Umeå University placed first of all participating universities in the main categories of living, support, and overall satisfaction.
Overall Satisfaction
7 reasons to choose Umeå University
International Student Barometer Highlights 2023
Living sub-categories
• Campus buildings (#1 Globally)
• Sports facilities (#1 Globally)
• Social activities (#1 Globally)
• Making friends from home country (#1 Globally)
• Making friends from other countries (#4 Globally)
• Accommodation cost (#1 Globally)
• Access to suitable accommodation (#1 Sweden, #4 Globally)
The ISB 2023 Wave 2 survey was developed and administered by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) - an independent benchmarking and research service - and has been responded by exchange students and other international students. A total of 121,418 students from 137 higher education institutions globally participated in the International Student Barometer survey during October to December of 2023, including 44 in Europe and 10 in Sweden.
Umeå University had an impressive 62% response rate, with a total of 425 student responses.
There are five main categories in the survey: Arrival, Learning, Living, Support and Overall Satisfaction - in which Umeå University placed #1 globally in three of them.