In 1999 the Buddy Programme was started at Umeå University. Since then, thousands of international and domestic students, have met and made friendships for life. Every year one person is hired at the International Office to coordinate the programme. For the 20 years anniversary we've interviewed some of the former coordinators about their time in the Buddy Programme.
Name: Lucas Haskell Buddy Programme Coordinator year: 2016/2017 Studied at Umeå University: Business administration. I studied in the International Business Program and then pursued my Master’s in Management.
Imageingrid Söderbergh
How would you describe your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?
I would describe my time as the Buddy Programme Coordinator as the best job one could have. I had a lot of fun and met a lot of new people. In addition, I had a lot of new experiences, some of which I’ll never forget – trying Surströmming, singing karaoke, and not to mention meeting so many wonderful people!
What’s your best memory from your time in the Buddy Programme?
My best memory would have to be a combination of all of the international pubs. Reasoning being, is that it was so fun to see so many different nationalities and people from totally different backgrounds hanging out together and just having a good time. At the international pubs, everyone knew they were equal and everyone treated everyone as equals. The openness and fact that everyone was welcomed always made for a great time.
Approximately how many students were involved in the Buddy Programe then?
Approximately 700 in the fall (500 international students and 200 buddies) and around 500 in the spring (350 internationals and 150 buddies).
What kind of activities were popular?
International pubs, games nights, grilling at Nydala, playing beach volleyball, curling, and karaoke nights.
What happened after your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?
After my time as the Buddy Programme Coordinator, I realized it was time to get a “real job ;)”, but I wanted to stay in Umeå, so I decided to pursue a PhD.
What are you doing now? Living where? Working with or studying? Etc.
After my time as the Buddy Programme Coordinator I went on to pursue my PhD in business administration at the business school in Umeå. I have approximately 3 years until I earn my PhD. So, I haven’t left Umeå and I haven’t left campus!
Do you have contact with anyone you met in the Buddy Programme then?
Yes, of course, both buddies and international students!