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Former Buddy Programme Coordinator: Anna Sjöqvist

In 1999 the Buddy Programme was started at Umeå University. Since then, thousands of international and domestic students, have met and made friendships for life. Every year one person is hired at the International Office to coordinate the programme. For the 20 years anniversary we've interviewed some of the former coordinators about their time in the Buddy Programme.

Name: Anna Sjöqvist
Buddy Programme Coordinator year: 2011/2012
Studied at Umeå University: Master of Laws.

How would you describe your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?

It was an incredible year, I got the opportunity to spend time with people that had great enthusiasm which contributed to the open and friendly community within the Buddy Programme. The year as the programme coordinator was really fun, also intense and sometimes unpredictable, which I loved. Sometimes I stood front of a huge crowd trying to organise some type of activity and the next day I participated in one of the buddy group’s international dinners, where I got to try interesting dishes from around the world, this is just a hint of the variety in this job.

What’s your best memory from your time in the Buddy Programme?

It is not easy to choose one memory since this year included so many fun and interesting meetings and events. One great memory was the Midsummer event I organised with some buddies. We planned the entire event with a maypole (there was no leaves in Umeå yet so we had to get creative), translated traditional songs and then had an early midsummer celebration in May along the Nydala Lake. We ended up being a huge group of students singing traditional songs and dancing around the maypole. It was a great evening!

Approximately how many students were involved in the Buddy Programme then?

If I remember correctly the Fall term included around 700-800 students and the Spring term around 500-600 students.

What kind of activities were popular?

Really popular activities was for example international dinners, trip to the elk farm and the international pubs.

What happened after your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?

After that year I went back to my studies and finished my last term as a student at Umeå University and I worked part time at the International Office.

What are you doing now? Living where? Working with or studying? Etc.

Once I finished my studies I already knew that I wanted to work at the International Office again. In time I got the opportunity and here I am, still working with internationalisation at Umeå University’s International Office and loving it.

Do you have contact with anyone you met in the Buddy Programme programme then?

Yes, during that year I was lucky to gain some really good friends who I’m still in contact with.

Latest update: 2022-02-25