Swedish name: Fysioterapeutprogrammet
This programme syllabus is valid: HT22 and until further notice
Programme code: VYFYS
Credit points: 180
Registration number: 3.1.3-334-17
Responsible faculty: Faculty of Medicine
Established by: Board of the Faculty of Medicine, 2014-03-20
Revised by: Board of the Faculty of Medicine, 2021-06-22
General entry requirements and Physical Education and Health 1, Mathematics 2a or 2b or 2c, Science Studies 2, Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2. Exemptions from the requirement for Physical Education and Health 1 can be granted for those who submit the form of exeption/prior learning and attach a certificate proving praticipaion in gymnastics or sports activities covering at least once a week for at least one year.
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