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Programme syllabus:

Master's Programme in Computing Science, 120 Credits

Swedish name: Masterprogrammet i datavetenskap

This programme syllabus is valid: HT24 and until further notice

Programme code: TADAM

Credit points: 120

Registration number: FS 3.1.3-2164-16

Responsible faculty: Faculty of Science and Technology

Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2024-02-28

Entry Requirements

A Bachelor's degree or equivalent first-cycle qualification comprising of at least 180 ECTS or a corresponding qualification from an internationally recognised university. Specific entry requirements are: 75 ECTS in Computer Science which include a thesis of at least 15 ECTS, and a minimum of 22,5 ECTS in Mathematics including a course that conveys basic knowledge regarding formal logic. b) Good theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding algorithms and data structures, programming in different programming languages such as Java, C++ and Python. Courses on the theoretical foundations of Computer Science comprising at least 7,5 ECTS . Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.


After completing the programme, a student who has applied for a degree can obtain a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) in accordance with the local qualification descriptor established by the Vice-Chancellor (see Umeå University's website).
In Swedish, Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) is called Teknologie masterexamen.
The degree is awarded in the main field of study (Computing Science) with the specialisation Computer Science.

Description of the education for current education cycle

The education is at an advanced level (second cycle). The aims for second-cycle courses and study programmes are set out in the Higher Education Act, Chapter 1 Section 9.

National goals for current degree

The national aims for qualification are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance's Annex 2.

Local goals for current degree

In addition to the national goals, a student shall for a Degree of Master (120 credits) in the main field of study Computing Science at Umeå University be able to:

* demonstrate a good understanding of the subject's general principles,
* account for computer science theories and methods,
* understand and use computer science abstractions and models,
* independently identify and solve problems using appropriate techniques, theories, and tools of computing science,
* identify, acquire, and use additional knowledge needed to solve given problems,
* demonstrate considerably advanced skills, abilities and knowledge in at least one of the subject's subareas, and
* apply a scientific approach and analytical thinking as a basis for planning and executing a major independent project.

Examination format

Each syllabus sets out the examination formats used in each individual course.


Each syllabus sets out the grades used in the course.

Transfer of Credits

A student who believes to have gained knowledge from previous relevant studies or professional experience that may be equivalent to a course or part of a course in the programme can apply for transfer of credits. Granting a transfer of credits means that the student will not have to study the parts of the programme included in the decision. Information on transfer of credits is available on Umeå University's website.



The degree programme includes a total of 120 credits, of which 30 credits comprise an independent degree project.
The programme offers both general and advanced knowledge in Computing Science.
The areas of specialisation are mainly chosen individually, as the student takes advanced courses building on one another.
The programme includes compulsory courses, elective courses, free electives, and the degree project.
The programme's compulsory courses are taken by all students enrolled in the programme.
Exemption may be granted if the student has taken equivalent courses within the scope of a previous programme.
For each course, there are entry requirements set out in the course syllabus. These may be more extensive than the entry requirements of the programme, and control whether and in which order the courses can be taken.
Admission to the programme is open once a year, starting in the autumn. For more information and application materials, see www.studera.nu.

Compulsory courses
Compulsory courses are courses that all students enrolled in the programme normally study. A student enrolled in the study programme is guaranteed a seat in all compulsory courses, provided that the entry requirements for the course in question are met. Entry requirements are set out in each respective course syllabus.
a) Efficient Algorithms 7.5 credits, 5DV182
b) Database System Principles 7.5 credits, 5DV187
c) Artificial Intelligence - Methods and Applications 7.5 credits, 5DV181
d) Student Conference in Computing Science 7.5 credits, 5DV184
e) Degree Project: Master of Science (two years) in Computing Science (General degree and specialization: computer science), 30 credits, 5DV136

Elective courses

Elective courses are a selection of courses that Umeå University offers within the scope of the programme and where the student chooses which courses to enrol in. The student is guaranteed a seat in one of these courses, provided that the entry requirements for the courses in question are met. However, the student is not guaranteed a seat in their first-choice courses. Entry requirements are set out in each respective course syllabus.

Free electives

Free electives within the programme are applied for in open competition. Free electives can be studied at Umeå University or at other higher education institutions in Sweden or abroad.

Programme overview

Each academic year is divided into an autumn and spring term. Each term is divided into two study periods. Usually, two courses are taken in parallel during a period.
During the first term, compulsory courses (a)- (c) are taken. During the second and, especially, the third term, advanced courses are taken. There is also room to take other elective courses and free electives. Compulsory course (d) prepares for the degree project (compulsory course (e)), which concludes the programme during the fourth term. The following block schedule indicates how this usually looks.

Year 1
Autum term Spring term
Efficient Algorithms, 7.5 credits Artificial Intelligence - Methods and Applications, 7.5 credits Optional course * 7,5 credits Optional course * 7.5 credits
Database System Principles, 7,5 credits Optional course * 7.5 credits Optional course * 7.5 credits Optional course * 7.5 credits

* An optional course is a course from the courses offered as elective courses or free electives.

Year 2
Autum term Spring term
Student Conference in Computing Science 7.5 credits Degree Project 30 credits
Optional course * 7.5 credits (specialisation)
Optional course * 7.5 credits (specialisation) Optional course * 7.5 credits(specialisation)

* An optional course is a course from the courses offered as elective courses or free electives.

Education is offered in the form of lectures, seminars, group work and supervision in connection with computer laboratory work and assignments to be presented. Computer laboratory work and assignments are often compulsory and constitute an important part of the programme. Presentation of these usually includes both oral and written parts.

To maintain the study pace necessary to follow the programme, a 40-hour working week is usually required, even though the weekly teaching scheduled is significantly less than 40 hours.

Course literature and all teaching are in English. However, courses necessary to supplement lacking prior knowledge are not always offered in English.

Degree Project/independent project

An independent degree project of 30 credits concludes the programme. It may be started when the entry requirements set out in the syllabus are met. The degree project is also covered by guaranteed admission. In the degree project, the student shall apply and develop the knowledge that has been acquired during the education and present the result orally and in writing. The work is usually completed individually. However, it is permitted for two students to cooperate on a degree project. The degree project is part of the studies at university. Choice of topic shall be approved by the course coordinator, who also appoints a supervisor for the project. The work shall include a significant scientific specialisation in Computing Science. This usually presumes that the student has completed two advanced courses in the subarea covered by the theme of the degree project. An examiner at the Department of Computing Science is responsible for the assessment of the work.

Deferment of studies

Information on deferment of studies is available on Umeå University's website.

Approved leave from studies

Information on approved leave from studies is available on Umeå University's website.


Information on discontinuation is available on Umeå University's website.


Additional information can be obtained from the programme director or programme study counsellor via the university's switchboard 090/786 50 00.

Also see Umeå University's Code of rules and procedures for first-cycle and second-cycle education https://www.umu.se/en/legal-framework/