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Programme syllabus:

Master's Programme in Population Studies, 60 Credits

Swedish name: Magisterprogram i befolkningsstudier

This programme syllabus is valid: VT18 and until further notice

Programme code: SAMBS

Credit points: 60

Registration number: FS 3.1.3-618-16

Responsible faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Established by: Faculty of Social Sciences, 2016-04-20

Entry Requirements

A Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognized university. Special requirements: 90 ECTS in any of the subjects: human geography, geography, statistics, sociology, economics, history, epidemiology, psychology, demography, population studies or other related subjects. You will also need at least 7.5 ECTS of quantitative methods or equivalent. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.


Master of Science (60 credits). Major field of study: Population Studies.
See http://www.student.umu.se/english/getting-your-degree/


Description of the education for current education cycle

Description of the education for current education cycle
Education on advanced level should build further upon knowledge retained during basic level studies or the equivalent.
Advanced level education shall involve a deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities relative to first cycle education and, in addition to what applies to first cycle education
- further develop students' ability to independently integrate and use knowledge,
- develop students' ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and
- develop students' potential for professional activities that demand considerable independence or for research and development.
Higher Education Act 1 cpt 9 § (Högskolelagen 1 kap 9 §)

National goals for current degree

National goals for current degree
Knowledge and understanding
For Master of Science Degree 60 credits, the students should be able to
- show knowledge and understanding in their main field of study, including both an overview of the field and deeper knowledge of certain parts of the field and insight into current research and development, and
- demonstrate deeper methodological knowledge in their main field of study.

Skills and abilities
For Master of Science Degree 60 credits, the students should be able to
- demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge and to analyze, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, even with limited information,
- demonstrate the ability to independently identify and formulate questions to address and to plan and use appropriate methods to carry out advanced tasks within specified time limits;
- demonstrate the ability to verbally and in writing  present and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments behind them, in dialogue with different types of  groups, and
- demonstrate the skills required to participate in research and development work or to work in other advanced contexts.

Ability to evaluate and approach
For Master of Science Degree 60 credits, the student should be able to
- demonstrate the ability within the  main field of study to make judgments with regard to relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects, and demonstrate an awareness of ethical aspects of research and development,
- show insight into the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in society and the human responsibility for its use, and
- demonstrate the ability to identify the personal  need for further knowledge and to take responsibility for the personal competence development.

Higher Education Ordinance, Appendix 2 - System of Qualifications (Högskoleförordningen, Bilaga 2 – examensordningen)


Local goals for current degree

  • Demonstrate the ability to understand and analyze population development in relation to societal challenges.
  • Demonstrate profound abilities to use different methods for longitudinal analysis of population issues, and to perform predictive estimates based on population data.
  • Demonstrate profound abilities to independently identify and analyze interdisciplinary perspectives on population issues.

Examination format

See current course syllabus.


The program applies a three-point grading scale with the grades, Pass with distinction, Pass and Fail, unless otherwise stated in the syllabus for a particular course. Those who pass an exam cannot redo the exam aiming for a higher grade.

Transfer of Credits

Students have the right to apply for recognition of previous courses or activities that can be accepted for credit transfer. For more information see Higher Education Ordinance as well as: http://www.student.umu.se/english/getting-your-degree/transfer-of-credits/?languageId=1

A negative decision on recognition of previous courses is possible to appeal to the Higher Education Appeals Board. A negative decision should also be motivated in writing.


The program is designed for students and professionals that want to benefit from deeper knowledge in population studies with an interdisciplinary approach. The program covers 2 semesters (60 ECTS). Under the heading Outline it is shown which courses are mandatory and which are elective. The order of the courses may be subject to change. Information about separate courses can be found in the course syllabus. The program offers either full-time or part-time courses. All teaching is done in English. Elective courses are chosen in consultation with the Program Coordinator or the Study Advisor.

For the Degree of Master of Science 60 ECTS, the student must have completed a thesis within the program worth at least 15 ECTS in Population Studies.

Deferment of studies

Deferment of study entry may be granted if special circumstances exist. Examples of specific reasons are social, medical or other special circumstances such as child care, military or civil service, student union assignments or postponed leave according to law (1974:981) on work labor rights to time off for education. Application for deferment is to be submitted to Student Centrum.
A negative decision on deferment of enrollment may be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board.

Approved leave from studies

The student admitted to the program can apply for a study break. The application is submitted to the program coordinator. Study break with a guaranteed seat may be granted for the following reasons: social, medical or other special circumstances such as child care, military or civil-service or student union assignments.

Negative decision to resume studies after study breaks can be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board.


Students who interrupt their education shall notify the Program Coordinator of the discontinuation.


Access to courses in the program is governed by the course syllabus.



Valid from: HT17

Semester 1

Population studies and societal challenges 7,5 ECTS

Population analysis 7,5 ECTS

Longitudinal population analysis 7,5 ECTS

Themes of population studies 7,5 ECTS

Semester 2

Elective course in Interdisciplinary population perspectives 15 ECTS, part-time studies 50% or other course at advanced level chosen in consultation with the Program Coordinator or the Study Advisor*

Master Thesis in Population Studies 15 ECTS, part-time studies 50%*

*In semester 2 the elective course and the master thesis runs parallel. Full time studies include master thesis and an elective course 15 ECTS.