Worldwide, tourism is seen as an opportunity to create new jobs and economic growth. The development of successful and sustainable tourism requires extensive insights into complex socio-economic and political contexts that affect tourism, at local, regional, national and international level, as well as good insights into the complex relationship between economic, social and environmental preconditions and impacts of tourism.
The programme focuses on how tourism affects destinations and the consequences tourism have for societal development. Further, it addresses current challenges of sustainability that are connected to destination development issues. The spatiality of tourism is in focus for discussing the transition to a more sustainable society and the contribution of tourism to that development. You will learn to ask relevant and scientifically grounded questions about changes and trends in diverse geographical settings like rural areas and cities and how they are related to dimensions of sustainability. Insights into the application of different destination development ideals give further tools in performing such transition. These are competencies that will be in high demand for future tourism developers.
During the education you will also develop your skills in applying advanced spatial quantitative and qualitative methods to collects and analyse empirical materials that can help you understand current issues in tourism development. We have our own computer lab at the department where you can work with various assignments. The final thesis project provides opportunities to specialise or broaden your skills and can be conducted in cooperation with an authority or company.
Prosperous academic tourism environment
You will be studying at one of the most successful academic tourism milieus in the Nordic countries with extensive research and international collaborations. We provide a top of the line education right at the forefront of tourism research. Furthermore, we aim at giving you the tools to develop your generic competencies, being critical and to have a scientific approach, as well as giving you the skills you need in order to continue learning also after you have left the University. The study language is English.
Portrait former student at Master Tourism program
Teachers and researchers in Tourism
Dieter K Müller, professor
Carina Keskitalo, professor
Roger Marjavaara, docent
Linda Lundmark, docent
Doris Carson, assistant professor
Marco Eimermann, assistant professor
Cenk Demiroglu, associate professor
Research Projects at Department
Tourism and sustainable development, 15 ECTS
Sustainability, destinations and regional development, 15 ECTS
Magister Thesis 15ECTS / Population, Migration and Mobility 15ECTS
Advanced Spatial Analysis 15 ECTS
Geographies of tourism and sustainability, 15 ECTS
Master Thesis in Human Geography, 30 ECTS
The programme offers advanced insights into the field of tourism and provides you with the opportunity to develop your knowledge and interests within the field of tourism and sustainable development.
The programme offers broad perspectives on tourism by combining various scientific approaches.
The programme qualifies successful students for work in tourism within public and private sector.
Examples are:
Destination developer
Tourism strategy developer
Tourism planner
Non Governmental Agency officer
Doctoral studies (PhD)
The programme grants basic eligibility for doctoral studies.
Degree of Master of Science (60 credits). Main field of study: Human Geography. Specialisation: Tourism and
sustainable development.
Degree of Master of Science (120 credits). Main field o f study: Human Geography. Specialisation: Tourism and
sustainable development.