Revised by: Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 2024-02-28
Entry Requirements
Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English 6.
A Bachelor's Degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university with 90 credits in Peace and Conflict Studies or equivalent, or a Bachelor's Degree with 90 credits in Political Science and a with minimum of 30 credits in Peace and Conflict Studies or equivalent, inclouding an independent written thesis equivalent of at least 15 ECTS.
If you are still working towards your undergraduate degree, you need to include with your application a document from your current University, outlining when you are expected to graduate as well as a course outline for the last semester.
After completed study programme, a student who has applied for a degree certificate can obtain a Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) according to the local qualification descriptor established by the Vice-Chancellor (see Umeå University's web site). The Swedish translation of Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) is Filosofie magisterexamen.The degree is awarded in the main field of Peace and Conflict Studies (Freds- och konfliktstudier) with the specialization Crisis Management and Peacebuilding.
After completed study programme, a student who has applied for a degree certificate can obtain a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) according to the local qualification descriptor established by the Vice-Chancellor (see Umeå University's web site). The Swedish translation of Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) is Filosofie masterexamen.The degree is awarded in the main field of Peace and Conflict Studies (Freds- och konfliktstudier) with the specialization Crisis Management and Peacebuilding. .
Description of the education for current education cycle
This education is offered on second cycle level. The targets for second-cycle courses and study programmes can be found in Chapter 1, Section 9 of the Higher Education Act.
National goals for current degree
The national targets for the degree can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance, Appendix 2.
Local goals for current degree
Master of Science 60 credits For Master of Science 60 credits, the student should be able to: - demonstrate understanding and ability to analyze different national crisis management systems - demonstrate ability to utilize different methodological tools for analysis of different aspects of complex crisis management and peacebuilding. - demonstrate ability to identify, structure and analyze scientific problems within the scientific disciplines of crisis management and peacebuilding.
Master of Science 120 credits For Master of Science 120 credits, the student should be able to: - demonstrate understanding and ability to analyze different national crisis management systems - demonstrate knowledge and understanding of global and regional governance in the international system. - demonstrate knowledge and understanding of principles of and organizational forms in reconstruction following crisis, disasters and conflicts. - demonstrate a higher degree of ability to utilize different methodological tools for analysis of different aspects of complex crisis management and peacebuilding. - demonstrate a higher degree of ability to identify, structure and analyze scientific problems within the scientific disciplines of crisis management and peacebuilding.
Examination format
Each course syllabus states what examination formats are to be used in each course.
Each course syllabus states what grades are to be used in each course. Those who pass an exam cannot redo the exam aiming for a higher grade.
Transfer of Credits
Students have the right to apply for recognition of previous courses or activities that can be accepted for credit transfer. For more information see Higher Education Ordinance as well as:
A negative decision on recognition of previous courses is possible to appeal to the Higher Education Appeals Board. A negative decision should also be motivated in writing.
Outline section describes which courses are mandatory and which are elective. The choice of elective courses must be confirmed with the Master's degree program director. The courses are attended in the order specified in the program outline. Information about specific courses can be found in course syllabus for each course. Courses within the program are in English. Thesis and some written exams can also be submitted in Swedish.
For the degree of Master of Science 60 credits, the student must complete a thesis in peace and conflict studies of no less than 15 credits. For the degree of Master of Science 120 credits, the student must complete a thesis in peace and conflict studies of no less than 30 credits. In case where a student has previously completed an advanced level thesis in peace and conflict studies of at least 15 credits, requirement for thesis can be reduced, yet it must be at least 15 credits.
Deferment of studies
Information about deferment of studies can be found on Umeå University's web site.
Approved leave from studies
Information about leave from studies can be found on Umeå University's web site.
Students who interrupt their education shall notify their dropout to the Program Coordinator. Information about non-completion can be found on Umeå University's web site.
Access to courses in the program is governed by the course syllabus.
Valid from: HT25
Semester 1
Crisis Management in Comparative Perspective 15 credits Mandatory
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences 7,5 credits Mandatory
Quantitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences 7,5 credits Mandatory
Semester 2
Semester 2, for Master of Science Degree 60 credits Internship I / Electives 15 credits Thesis in Peace and Conflict Studies 15 credits Mandatory
Semester 2, for Master of Science Degree 120 credits Internship I / Electives 15 credits Internship II/ Electives 15 credits
Semester 3
Global and Reginal Governance 15 credits Mandatory Peace and Peacebuilding 15 credits Mandatory
Semester 4
For students who has written a master thesis 15 credits Electives 15 credits Thesis in Peace and Conflict Studies 15 credits Mandatory
For students who have not written a theses semester 2 Thesis in Peace and Conflict Studies 30 credits Mandatory