The programme is offered by the AACSB accredited Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics.
The programme is designed to prepare you to develop capabilities and skills to act on business and societal opportunities, needs and challenges, and develop successful businesses and innovations in a global and changing business environment. The programme provides deepened theoretical and practical knowledge about strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, networking, and business growth and systematically incorporates sustainability and internationalization aspects.
The programme is offered by the AACSB accredited Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics.
"I like that the modules are run one after the other so you can fully concentrate on each of them"
"What I really like about the program is the conception and connection of different topics"
"The program is very interesting, especially when working together in teams. The classmates from all over the world is the best "
"I like the structure of the program and the best with Umeå is the snow and the tap water quality"
"The programmes focus on current trends and challenges, along with the research we conducted, helped me gain valuable knowledge"
During the first year, the focus is on developing the knowledge about strategy, entrepreneurship, networking, and international growth in established and new businesses. You will work strategically with businesses which requires you to act based on your assembled knowledge and take part in developing a business idea, for example by developing a business plan for a start-up, or a new venture within an established organization. You have, for example, the possibility to broaden the knowledge on innovation or do an internship through your choice of elective courses.
During the second year, you will learn about the latest trends and global challenges and the effects of those on businesses and societies at large. In relation to this, front-line research in business administration, including entrepreneurship- and innovation research, is discussed. Our method course prepares you for writing business development-thesis in the 4th semester but the third semester is also good for studying abroad. Writing the thesis will, amongst other things, develop your writing and analysis and research skills.
Besides several guest lectures and experts participating in business panels, firms participate to a large extent during the fourth module on the first semester. In this module you work with “live-cases” – real business development challenges that participating firms have. You will carry out a longer project and present the solution via a professional presentation. Firms also participate in several other courses provided during semester 2 and 3. In Innovation Management a "hackathon" is conducted with participating firms and in New Venture Creation firms and organizations also partake. They present the challenges they currently face and together with students’ groups work on potential solutions.
As a student, you can engage in extracurricular activities outside of your courses, such as workshops organised by the Umeå University's innovation system. There are also opportunities to apply for participation in activities organised by international networks, such as the DHL GoTrade GBSN Fellowship.
At the entrepreneurship section we do research on entrepreneurship and innovation with various focuses such as cooperation and competition, environmental sustainability, social innovation and ecopreneurship, and configuration of (support) systems for new venture creation and corporate innovation. With this research we contribute to contemporary questions of how entrepreneurs and firms work with each other and actors from other sectors to create innovation, and how these efforts are increasingly related to sustainability.”
Read more about some of our researchers teaching in Business Development and Internationalisation
In our programmes and courses we focus on competencies that are needed for your future professional life.
You have the opportunity to do an internship for ten weeks in Sweden or abroad. This possibility is only available at a few business schools in the country. The internship gives you a good opportunity to put theoretical knowledge and experience into practice and show off your skills to potential employers. You will arrange your internship yourself in a company you find interesting. This way you are able to find an internship position that meets your expectations and provides more opportunities for you to use the internship as an entry to the labour market.
Studying abroad is not only fun and challenging for you as a student but also a welcomed experience with future employers. Internationalization is an important area for us and we are working continuously to offer you as a student many opportunities for an adventure in Europe or further away on another continent. In our programmes you therefore have the opportunity for studies abroad for a semester or two.
We have about 60 partner universities, mainly in Europe, but also in Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea and China - all of them selected especially for our students. Students who would like to study farther away can avail themselves of Umeå University's university-wide agreements in North America, Oceania, and Asia.
Read more about studies abroad
Sustainability get a whole lot bigger attention in today's firms and organizations and we lifted these questions up early in our educational programmes. Together with our students are we working for a more sustainable business school and to revise the courses to improve the education about, and for, sustainable development at the program. Our work on sustainability takes as a starting point the 17 sustainable development goals and Agenda 2030.
We are certified by the environmental management system ISO 14001 and we are members of the international networks GBSN, PRME and SDSN.
Read more about our work on sustainability
The business school collaborates in many different ways with companies and organizations. For example internships, guest lectures, company visits, guest lectures, essay assignments and cases from companies.
As a student you might perhaps do an internship with one of our corporate partners. Professionals outside the university are invited as guest lecturers and teachers. Our researchers will in turn contribute with new knowledge to society. A group of advisors consisting of corporate and community representatives are also linked to the business school and they contribute with their knowledge and experience.
You are eligible for doctoral studies after the two years programme with a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits). You are also eligible for doctoral studies if you chose to end the programme already after one year with a Degree of Master of Science (60 credits).
Semester 1
Strategic Business Development 30 cr.
Semester 2
Alternative A: Elective courses 30 cr*. Alternative B: Elective courses 15 cr. and Master's thesis in Business Administration I 15 cr.
Semester 3
Current trends and a minor in Accounting/Finance/Marketing/Management 30 cr*.
Semester 4
Alternative A: Master's thesis in Business Administration III 30 cr. Alternative B: Elective course 15 cr. and Master's thesis in Business Administration II 15 cr.
For a more detailed overview see flow chart.
*You have great freedom of choice in creating your own education, but we recommend three tracks for the compulsory courses in combination with the elective courses during semesters two and three:
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation track
Graduate from this program are equipped to pursue careers in managing business development, lead innovation and/or strategic change processes, within established organizations as well as start-ups. The international character of the program supports career abroad. The program gives you eligibility to apply for PhD positions.
"I frequently go back to my old study books and freshen up my knowledge, especially now when running my own business"
The programme leads to a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits), Major: Business Administration, Specialisation: Business Development and Internationalisation.
It is also possible to end the programme after one year with a Degree of Master of Science (60 credits), Major: Business Administration, Specialisation: Business Development and Internationalisation.
Both degrees are on advanced level.
What are the language skills required?
Students are required to have proficiency in English equivalent to English course B/6 from Swedish upper Secondary School (high school). Proficiency in English can be proven by test scores from a number of internationally recognised tests.
What selection criteria is used?
The first selection criteria is the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) result. You need to indicate Umeå University to and also upload a copy of the result to If you have no GMAT result you are still eligible to apply for the program but will be ranked after applicants with a GMAT result and according to the number of academic credits you have.
Are there any tuition fees?
Citizens outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland will have to pay application fee and tuition fee.
Can I get any scholarships?
Yes some scholarships are offered by the Swedish Institute and some by Umeå University.
Do I need to send in CV, Motivation letter or Recommendation letters?
No, none of those documents are required. If you send them anyway they will not be considered.
Which electives are offered for the 2nd semester at the program?
During the elective term you can study any subject at any level as long as it is university level courses. You also have to meet the eligibility requirements of the course.
You are however only guaranteed a seat at courses given full-time on campus in the following subjects: Business Administration, Economics, Statistics, Law and Economic History.
Programs and courses at the Department of Business Administration
All courses available in English at Umeå University
Check the type of studies (full-time for a guaranteed seat) and eligibility requirements.
Manager of the programme is Jessica Eriksson.