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Architecture Programme

  • Number of credits 300 credits
  • Study time 5 years (full time)
  • Level Bachelor's Degree
  • Starting Autumn Term 2025

Do you want to create sustainable, socially just cities and buildings of the future? The Architecture programme at the School of Architecture at Umeå University can be described as being on the borderline between the artistic and the scientific disciplines. The programme is characterized by a consistent focus on sustainability and has an international profile with teachers from all over the world.

While studying

The teaching is largely project-based and aims to integrate theoretical and scientific knowledge with process-oriented and artistic research. Sustainability and resource awareness, as well as experimentation in full-scale construction, are important elements in the education. Umeå School of Architecture is equipped with a wood workshop, laser cutter, 3D printer and computer rooms.

Teaching is in English.

Architecture theory and practical tools

The school is located on the Art Campus by the banks of the Ume River together with, among others, the Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå Institute of Design and Bildmuseet.

Architecture programme with unique profile

In the Architecture programme technology meets an artistic approach to architecture.

The education mainly consists of project work with supervision, in groups or individually. Courses in, among other things, architectural theory, architectural history and technology are combined with project work and run in parallel during the semesters. Our focus is to give you a broad orientation in the subject of architecture and practical tools for analysis, development of concepts and composition, as well as a broad technical knowledge.

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Your own workplace in the school studio

Many lectures are given by internationally professional architects, artists and researchers. You present your projects with, among other things, models and sketches, and have your own workplace in the school's studio. During the first three years of the education, key concepts, methods and theoretical models are introduced. The starting point gradually shifts from the local, to the regional, to the global. During the two final years, opportunities are given for specialization through different study choices with different specializations.

Learn more about Umeå University

There are many opportunities to meet us, at study fairs, through study guidance and webinars. Learn more about this here:

Meet Umeå University


Programme overview

Year 1:
Architectural Design 1:1
Architectural Technology 1:1
History and Theory of Architecture 1:1
Tools and Communication in Architecture 1:1
Architectural Design 1:2
Architectural Technology 1:2
History and Theory of Architecture 1:2
Tools and Communication in Architecture 1:2
Perspectives on Sustainability and Architecture 1

Year 2:
Architectural Design 2:1
Architectural Technology 2:1
History and Theory of Architecture 2
Tools and Communication in Architecture 2:1
Architectural Design 2:2
Architectural Technology 2:2
Urban Design and Planning 1
Tools and Communication in Architecture 2:2
Perspectives on Sustainability and Architecture 2

Year 3:
Architectural Design 3:1
Architectural Technology 3:1
History and Theory of Architecture 3:1
Urban Design and Planning 2
Architectural Design 3:2
Degree Project
Architectural Technology 3:2
History and Theory of Architecture 3:2
Perspectives on Sustainability and Architecture 3

Year 4:
Architectural Design 1
Architectural Technology 1
Research Methods in Architecture 1
Contemporary Research in Architecture
Elective course
Sustainability in Architectural Practice

Year 5:
Architectural Design 2
Architectural Technology 2
Research Methods in Architecture 2
Master Thesis


Career opportunities

The education leads to an architect's degree, which means that you can work as an architect in both the private and public sector. The international character of the programme provides good preparation for working both in Sweden and in the rest of the world.

Common professions:

• Architect
• Consultant
• Project manager


The education leads to an architect's degree.

Application and eligibility

Architecture Program, 300 credits

Visa tillfällen för föregående termin Autumn Term 2025 Det finns inga senare terminer för kursen

Second admission round for EU/EEA citizens

Programme starts

Autumn Term 2025

Type of studies

100%, Daytime

Study location





General entry requirements and Mathematics 3b or 3c or Mathematics C, Science Studies 2, Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2. Science Studies can be replaced by Chemistry 1 and Physics 1a or 1b1+1b2. Entry requirements


Alternative selection: GPA, the Swedish National University Aptitude test (Högskoleprovet) and the Arkitektprovet (Architecture test) in the ratio 34/33/33 percent. Admission to a maximum of one third of the study places is made after a special test that is open to those who apply for the Architecture programme via www.antagning.se or Antagningsservice, R 312, 106 53 Stockholm. The test begins with a home assignment that should be submitted no later than the last day for registration. The test can be downloaded at www.arkitektprovet.se. More information about the test can be found at www.arkitektprovet.se or www.umu.se/arkitekthogskolan/. Please note that it is necessary to make an application at www.antagning.se or have it arrive to Antagningsservice, R 312, 106 53 no later than the application deadline. This is mandatory even for those who submit the home assignments.

Application code



The online application opens 17 March 2025 at 09:00 CET. Application deadline is 15 April 2025. How to apply

Application and tuition fees

As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.

Application fee

SEK 900

Tuition fee, first instalment

SEK 118,400

Total fee

SEK 1,184,000

Increase your chances with Arkitektprovet

Arkitektprovet is a test used for selection among eligible applicants. Up to a third of the seats at the Architecture programme are assigned to those who have taken part in Arkitektprovet.

Read more about Arkitektprovet

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