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Swedish for tuition fee-paying students

Swedish course

The International Office offers tuition fee-paying students and scholarship holders the chance to take part in one (1) Swedish language course during their studies, free of charge (no payment required). The offer is sent via email to students currently studying at Umeå university. The offer is given to students on their second semester and later. The course does not give any academic credit.

The Swedish language course is offered to non-EU/EEA students via an agreement between the International Office and the Department of Language Studies at Umeå University.

The invitation to apply is sent out in October ahead of the spring semester and in May ahead of the autumn semester. If you believe that you are eligible and have not been sent an invitation please email tuitionfees@umu.se

To be eligible to apply for the Swedish Course for Beginners you need to:

  • have studied at least one semester at Umeå University when the Swedish
    course begins
  • be a registered student at Umeå University during the semester that the Swedish course is offered
  • be a citizen of a country outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland
  • have paid your tuition fee before the due date stated on the invoice and
  • have not taken part in any of our free Swedish courses before.



Latest update: 2024-06-20