Number theory is a classical area of mathematics treating the properties of the integers. In later days, the area has come to be of great importance because of its applicability in cryptography. The course starts with the basic theory of the divisibility properties of integers and congruences. After this, number theoretic functions, primitive roots of primes, continued fractions, quadratic congruences, reciprocity, quadratic reciprocity and the distribution of primes is treated. Finally, the course treats some modern applications in cryptography, such as the RSA-method and encryption with elliptic curves.
The information below is only for exchange students
1 November 2024
19 January 2025
Study location
Type of studies
Required Knowledge
The course requires courses in Mathematics, minimum 60 ECTS or least two years of university studies including 30 ECTS in mathematics or equivalent. Proficiency in English equivalent to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies. Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.
Students applying for courses within a double degree exchange agreement, within the departments own agreements will be given first priority. Then will - in turn - candidates within the departments own agreements, faculty agreements, central exchange agreements and other departmental agreements be selected.
Application code
This application round is only intended for nominated exchange students. Information about deadlines can be found in the e-mail instruction that nominated students receive.
The application period is closed.