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Architecture and Urban Design, term 7

  • Number of credits 30 credits
  • Level Master’s level
  • Starting Autumn Term 2025

About the course package

The exchange term at Umeå School of Architecture gives the student the opportunity to explore of new fields of knowledge related to architecture and urban design. The aim is to develop your own critical thinking and your ability to apply new perspectives, designing alternative architectural proposals, strategies and practices that can contribute to change in today's societal- and urban development. Important elements of the programme are social- and environmental sustainability, resource awareness, work on different scales, experimenting with technical solutions and prototyping through full-scale construction and architectural interventions and installations in the physical environment.

The course package consists of two seminar courses run in parallel with a synthesis course in the form of a design project. The seminar courses introduce and deepen theoretical and technical concepts, methods, processes and issues. Design projects are carried out within different studios, allowing you to choose an approach departing from your personal interest. 

5AR420 Synthesis course 1: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Positioning, 20 Credits
The course focuses on a specific architectural and urban research theme within which the students are encouraged to develop their own position and agenda. Students formulate and develop a strategic, research-based approach to creating urban and architectural design strategies. The course is studio based. The course teachers adjust and determine specific course information, themes, design requirements, and submission requirements for the academic year. 

5AR421 Seminar course 1a: Technology, 5 Credits
In the course the students will develop knowledge of structural engineering, environmental comfort, material consideration, system and detail design development. The students will apply this knowledge in design projects with particular focus on sustainability and environmental impact.

5AR422 Seminar course 1b: History & Theory, 5 Credits
The course will provide the students with an orientation of the contemporary debate on architecture and urban planning, developing an awareness of the historical, theoretical political and professional concerns and agendas that drive it. Departing from the broad overview the students will identify, explore and research a specific issue related to their work in the synthesis project.

Courses in course package

Synthesis course 1: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Positioning, 20 credits

Starts 1 September 2025
This course is only included in the course package.

Seminar course 1b: Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Design, 5 credits

Starts 1 September 2025
This course is only included in the course package.

Seminar course 1a: Architectural Technology, Sustainability and Environmental Impact, 5 credits

Starts 1 September 2025
This course is only included in the course package.

Application and eligibility

Architecture and Urban Design, term 7, 30 credits

Visa tillfällen för föregående termin Autumn Term 2025 Det finns inga senare terminer för kursen

The information below is only for exchange students


1 September 2025


18 January 2026

Study location




Type of studies

Daytime, 100%

Required Knowledge

Bachelor's degree in architecture, minimum 180 ECTS or equivalent foreign degree and work samples/portfolio. English language proficiency equivalent to (the Swedish upper secondary school) English course B/6.


Students applying for courses within a double degree exchange agreement, within the departments own agreements will be given first priority. Then will - in turn - candidates within the departments own agreements, faculty agreements, central exchange agreements and other departmental agreements be selected.

Application code



This application round is only intended for nominated exchange students. Information about deadlines can be found in the e-mail instruction that nominated students receive. Notification of admission will be sent in end of May.

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by
Umeå School of Architecture
Contactpersons for the course are:
Sofia Mikaelsson, Christina Sander Nordin