Hej future exchange students! We are happy that you are interested in spending your exchange period at Umeå University. We hope the following information will be helpful as you embark on this new and exciting journey.
Cross-country skiing on Lake Nydala, just minutes from Campus Umeå.
Image Mattias PetterssonMake friends for life in the Buddy Programme!
Image Mattias PetterssonThe city centre of Umeå in the summertime. Just minutes from campus.
Image Calle Bredberg/Visit Umeå Content BankThe World Cup of Brännboll is held in Umeå annually at the end of the spring semester.
Image Ulrika BergforsThe Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, is frequent during the winter months in Umeå.
Image Fredrik Larsson / Visit UmeåStudents have a picnic by the riverside at Umeå Arts Campus.
Image Mattias PetterssonThe breathtaking nature of northern Sweden is easily accessible from Umeå.
Image Ive van KrunkelsvenWeekend plans in Stockholm? Take the high-speed train that departs just steps from campus.
Image Malin GrönborgIf you would like to study at Umeå University as an exchange student, your home university must have signed a formal exchange agreement with Umeå University. Contact the coordinator at your home university to learn if such an agreement exists, and if you can be nominated as an exchange student.
How to be nominated
The coordinator at your home university has to nominate you for exchange studies at Umeå University by filling out an online form. The link to the form is not published online, it is sent by e-mail to your coordinator. More information about the nomination procedure can be found at:
For partner universities (Fact sheet)
How to apply
When your home university has submitted the nomination you will receive application instructions and a link to the web page where you apply for courses and upload your documents.
You should only apply for courses using this link
Important dates
In event of the dates below occurring on a weekend/holiday, the deadlines are postponed to the next weekday.
Nomination deadline
Spring semester: 1 October
Autumn semester: 1 April
Application deadline
Spring semester: 15 October
Autumn semester: 15 April
#1 globally in three of the five main categories: living, support, and overall satisfaction.
"The relaxed and balanced lifestyle in Umeå has been refreshing"
"I haven’t met a single exchange student who has regretted coming to Umeå"
"My time here has definitely been one of the most memorable and fulfilling experiences of my life"
"I appreciate the emphasis on working in groups."
"It's so easy to become friends with people from all over the world."
Here you'll learn the basics of the Swedish study system, lectures, exams and more.
Essential information for your stay in Umeå.
Be part of a multicultural community engaging hundreds of students.
If you are looking to start studying or already are a student, the University provides study guidance.
Frequently asked questions
Film courtesy of: VisitUmea.se