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The Nursing Profession - Practicum, 22.5 Credits

Swedish name: Sjuksköterskans profession - tillämpning

This syllabus is valid: 2024-12-30 and until further notice

Course code: 3OM377

Credit points: 22.5

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Nursing: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Nursing

Revised by: Programme Council for Nursing Programmes (PRS), 2024-04-10


The course includes internships (VFU) with subsequent professional supervision in nursing (YHiO). The National Clinical Final Examination (NKSE) is performed during the last internship period. The course content focuses on the nurse's leadership based on the core competencies related to current research as well as applicable laws and regulations. Person-centeredness, ethics, priorities and in-depth study of diseases and their consequences in relation to the patient's daily life, relevant to the current internship, are included.

The course is divided into two parts:

Part 1

  • Internship in somatic hospital care, municipal care, or private elderly care, including auscultation in home care, 9.0 credits.
  • Interprofessional learning
  • Evidence for change based on an area/problem in nursing in clinical practice, 1.5 credits.
  • NKSE theoretical exam, 2.0 credits.

Part 2 

  • Internship in somatic hospital care, municipal care, or private elderly care, including auscultation in home care, 8.5 credits. The student completes the internship in a different form of care than during phase 1.
  • Ethical considerations where different values conflict with each other and alternative approaches with the well-being of patients and relatives in focus, 1.5 credits.
  • Demonstration of instruction
  • Interprofessional learning
  • NKSE practical exam, 2.0 credits

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student shall be able to

For course part 1:

Knowledge and understanding

1. Based on current laws, statutes and competence descriptions, describe and exemplify the areas of knowledge and responsibilities of both the nursing profession and various other health professions, and how these can contribute to the team's overall competence in different contexts.

2. From a basis of scientific knowledge and proven experience, be able to recognize and draw conclusions from various health situations with patient centered care in focus.

3. Based on applicable laws and regulations, show knowledge of delegation and incident reporting, how they are applied, and their consequences in different contexts.

Skills and Abilities
4. Based on available evidence and proven experience, independently critically review and evaluate own assessments and those of othe professions, with the well-being and safety of the patient and the patient's relatives in focus.

5. Manage drugs, inform about side-effects and assess risks in drug interactions so that safe care is provided.

6. Based on the nursing process, as well as applicable laws and regulations, and with a professional approach, lead nursing care in different contexts as well as supervise students and staff in collaboration with other professions so that safe care is provided.

Evaluation ability and approach

7. Identify a problem-area in nursing in clinical practice that can be developed or improved and present an evidence-based proposal for implementing             the change.

8. Identify own strengths and weaknesses and self-critically reflect on own professional development during the education, focusing on the future responsibility as a nurse.

9. Identify and critically reflect on other professions' contributions to varying care situations with respect to laws, statues, and the scientific base of    knowledge, and critically consider care measures.

10. Reflect on the specific contributions of different professions and evaluate the team's competence in a health-promoting development project.


For course part 2:

Knowledge and understanding

11. Based on current laws, statues, and available evidence, exemplify and explain the nurse's area of responsibility for patient-centered care in varying situations and the nurse's role as a part of the care team with a focus on good and safe care

Skills and abilities

12. Organize, lead, and perform patient care with a professional approach within the nurse's area of responsibility, give patient-centered care in varying care contexts and team constellations, and supervise and instruct colleagues and students with the goal of good and safe care.

Evaluation ability and approach

13. Conduct ethical reasoning based on a problematic nursing situation where different values are in conflict and on the basis of different ethical principles argue for alternative approaches, with the well-being of patients and their relatives in focus.

14. Critically consider and evaluate real-world care situations based on current laws, statues, available evidence, and the care process, consider care measures in cooperation with the patient, their relatives, and other professions with the goal of good and safe care.

Required Knowledge

Admission requirements are, pass in all courses in semesters 1-4 and conducted mandatory seminars in course 3OM376. 

Form of instruction

The studies are characterized by active knowledge-seeking, problem-solving and reflection. A problematizing approach permeates the course. The work methods vary and include individual work, study group work, seminars and lectures. Internship is conducted in somatic hospital care as well as in municipal or private elderly care, including auscultation within home care. Internship is conducted within the department/faculty contract area, where an internship can be guaranteed. A mandatory in-depth study is presented orally to the staff group during the second internship period. Subsequent professional supervision in nursing, interprofessional learning and simulation where team work is practiced is also mandatory.
Some teaching and literature may be in English. The course will offer international exchange opportunities.

The online elements require access to a computer with a stable Internet connection, a USB headset with a microphone and a web camera. A fixed connection is preferred. Internet access can be via networks in a campus, local learning centre or library.

For distance students, in addition to clinical placement, there is no gathering at campus.

Examination modes

A two-grade grading scale applies: pass (G) and fail (U).  Grades for the two internship periods are given individually based on knowledge, skills and attitudes (G-U). Examinations also take place through individual written in-depth work (G-U), grading of execution of student instruction (G-U), and at group ethics seminars where the student's individual performance is assessed based on established criteria (G-U). A passing grade in the first internship period is a prerequisite for the second internship period in the course. The National Clinical Final Examination consits of two parts - an individual written examination (G-U) and an individual practical examination (G-U).  Examination opportunities are established via national directives. 

To pass (G) the whole course, a pass must be obtained in all examinations, and mandatory parts must be conducted.

A student who has failed twice has the right to request that the Programme Council provide a different examiner. A student who has failed an internship will be offered one (1) new internship equivalent to the failed internship in terms of duration and content. A student who discontinues his or her internship by his or her own initiative in advance can be given the grade fail (U).

During internship, there are requirements for a professional approach, including clothing and hygiene, which must be complied in accordance with the directives of the receiving unit.

The responsible examiner may, in consultation with the relevant supervisor, decide to fail a student during an internship in case the student exhibits such deficiencies regarding knowledge, skills or attitudes that these, individually or in combination, entail a significant risk that the student may, in practice, harm another person physically or mentally. The student will then prematurely interrupt his or her internship and fail the relevant course. One internship opportunity is thereby expended.

In connection with such a decision, an individual development plan must be drawn up by the examiner in consultation with the student. The development plan must identify knowledge, skills and approach that the student needs to acquire to resume the internship and a time when the follow up will occur. The student is entitled to two such follow ups per year. However, the total number of follow ups should not exceed four, unless there are special circumstances. If the student shows, when such follow ups are conducted, that he or she has acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in the development plan, the student shall have a right to complete a new internship period, provided that the student has not expended his or her maximum internship opportunities. If the syllabus states a limited number of examinations and the student has expended these, the student has no right to additional examinations.

Deviations from the syllabus examination format are possible, as decided by the course examiner, for a student who has been granted a teaching support decision due to a disability. An individual adaptation of the examination format should be considered based on the student's needs. The examination format is adapted within the framework of the expected syllabus study result. A student who has qualified for disability services with Studentcentrum, and who is requesting a modification of an examination, must turn in the request for modification no later than 10 days before the examiation. This request should be given to the teacher who has responsibility for the course. At the request of the student, the teacher in charge of the course must, in consultation with the examiner, decide promptly on the adapted examination format. The decision must then be communicated to the student.

Credit transfer
Students can apply for a credit transfer of the entire, or of parts of the course, based on previously completed education or professional activities. Rejections of credit transfer applications, in whole or in part, must be justified in writing. Appeals against rejections of credit transfer applications should be submitted to the Higher Education Appeals Board. For more information, please contact Studentcentrum/Examina.

Other regulations

Health and Vaccination Program

In advance of internships, the students in the Medicine Faculty at Umeå University are offered vaccinations against Hepatitis B. In addition, students who have not been vaccinated against or Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) are offered an opportunity for these vaccinations. The Medicine Faculty will only cover these costs if the vaccinations are taken during designated student vaccine times and locations. 

Access to Internships

Generally, placements (including clinical placements) are conducted within the respective programme's agreement in collaboration with Regions, the primary municipalities and a few private providers. If the student does not fulfil the hosting organisation's requirements, within for example work-environment and patient security aspects, they cannot be guaranteed access to a placement. In that case, the University will explore the possibility of offering the student an alternative placement within the framework of the University's agreements.

For further information, please see the regulations at Umeå University.

-The content of the course 3OM377 overlaps with the content of 3OM340
-The course 3OM377 replaces the course 3OM340

Regulations for transitions

For further information, please see the regulations at Umeå University.


Valid from: 2025 week 1

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