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Spacecraft Technology and Design

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits
  • Level Master’s level
  • Starting Spring Term 2026

Admitted to the course

Here you will find everything you need to know before the course starts.

About the course

This course is designed for students who have interests and passion in space technology. The course is primarily project-based where the participating students are intended to work with an interdisciplinary team to design, craft, and build their own CanSat (a mini-satellite that is integrated within a soda can that performs several scientific measuring tasks). The course contains introductory lectures about orbital mechanics, spacecraft operating environment, and satellite subsystems and design, such as structure, telecommunication, thermal and attitude control, and power. In parallel, there will be practical training on how to design and build a CanSat. As the CanSat project develops, it is examined through intensive reviews by the course instructors and after all the reviews are successfully passed, the CanSat will be tested under real conditions where scientific measurements are performed during a launch campaign. Through the basic knowledge and insight gained during this course, the students prepare themselves to pursue their future career in space-related industry and aerospace centers such as the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), Esrange Space Center, OHB Sweden, RUAG space, the European Space Agency (ESA), SpaceX, and Airbus.

Application and eligibility

Spacecraft Technology and Design, 7.5 credits

Visa tillfällen för föregående termin Spring Term 2026 Det finns inga senare terminer för kursen


24 March 2026


7 June 2026

Study location




Type of studies

Daytime, 50%

Required Knowledge

90 credits including Thermodynamics, Physical Measurement Techniques and a first course in scientific computing or equivalent. Proficiency in English and Swedish equivalent to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies. Requirements for Swedish only apply if the course is held in Swedish.

Entry requirements


Academic credits Applicants in some programs at Umeå University have guaranteed admission to this course. The number of places for a single course may therefore be limited.

Application code



The online application opens 15 September 2025 at 09:00 CET. Application deadline is 15 October 2025. How to apply

Application and tuition fees

As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.

Application fee

SEK 900

Tuition fee, first instalment

SEK 19,038

Total fee

SEK 19,038

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by
The Department of Physics
Contactperson for the course is:
Shahab Fatemi