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Social epidemiology - theory and methods

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits
  • Level Master’s level
  • Starting Autumn Term 2024

About the course

Social epidemiology applies to the disciplinary approach of epidemiology examining and understanding the contributions of social conditions and processes to the unequal patterns of health and ill health in populations. The course will explore both the specific theories explaining the relation between social conditions and health as well as its methodological tools. Theories focusing on inequalities related to social position and gender will be in focus and presented and discussed during the course. Material, cultural/behavioural, psycho-social, life-course and policy explanations for social inequalities in health will be presented and discussed. Practical approaches on how to measure individual socioeconomic position and area deprivation indexes and how to explore its relationship with health will be provided.

Teaching on the course is concentrated to three weeks during the course period. Teaching is performed through plenary lectures, group work, hands-on training, seminars and home assignments. Teaching is given in English.

Application and eligibility

Social epidemiology - theory and methods, 7.5 credits

Det finns inga tidigare terminer för kursen Autumn Term 2024 Visa tillfällen för efterkommande termin


4 December 2024


19 January 2025

Study location




Type of studies

Daytime, 100%

Required Knowledge

For non-programme students applying as single-course students, the requirements are 120 ECTS, of which a minimum of 30 ECTS are within one of the following: health sciences, environmental health or social sciences. To be admitted to the course the applicant must have passed the course 3FH038 Epidemiology or have equivalent qualifications.

English proficiency equivalent to English B/6 from Swedish Upper secondary education. Basic entrance requirements for higher studies in Swedish language proficiency is also required if the course is taught in Swedish.

Entry requirements


Academic credits Applicants in some programs at Umeå University have guaranteed admission to this course. The number of places for a single course may therefore be limited.

Application code



Application deadline was 15 April 2024. The application period is closed.

Application and tuition fees

As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.

Application fee

SEK 900

Tuition fee, first instalment

SEK 18,550

Total fee

SEK 18,550


4 December 2024


19 January 2025

Study location




Type of studies

Daytime, 100%

Required Knowledge

For non-programme students applying as single-course students, the requirements are 120 ECTS, of which a minimum of 30 ECTS are within one of the following: health sciences, environmental health or social sciences. To be admitted to the course the applicant must have passed the course 3FH038 Epidemiology or have equivalent qualifications.

English proficiency equivalent to English B/6 from Swedish Upper secondary education. Basic entrance requirements for higher studies in Swedish language proficiency is also required if the course is taught in Swedish.

Entry requirements


Academic credits Applicants in some programs at Umeå University have guaranteed admission to this course. The number of places for a single course may therefore be limited.

Application code



Application deadline was 15 January 2024. The application period is closed.

Application and tuition fees

As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.

Application fee

SEK 900

Tuition fee, first instalment

SEK 18,550

Total fee

SEK 18,550

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by
Epidemiology and Global Health
Contactperson for the course is:
Angelica Johansson