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Radiation Dosimetry

  • Number of credits 15 credits

About the course

In this course, knowledge from radiation interaction is applied to determine, among other things, the energy deposited by ionizing radiation, which is important for radiation protection calculations, dose planning in radiation therapy, etc. The course begins with rehearsing and developing parts of the radiation interaction. Quantities and concepts used in radiation dosimetry are then introduced. Furthermore, how radiation can be detected and quantified is studied, what differentiates measured values ​​from the quantities you want to determine and how to correct for differences between these. An introduction to microdosimetry and internal dosimetry is also given here, both of which are important for determining the intentional and unintentional damage that radiation can cause in humans.

The course includes a compulsory laboratory and a compulsory project work.

Contact us

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Contactperson for the course is:
Erik Nilsson