The course consists of two parts: Scientific method and analysis of data (Part 1) and Independent work (Part 2).
Part 1: Scientific method and analysis of data The role that probability theory and statistical philosophy plays within scientific method is discussed with the aim of noting their role in various research strategies. The focus is to provide an understanding of statistical reasoning within data analysis and research. The measurement level's importance for different statistical analyses is emphasized and the normal distribution's relevance for statistical analyses is discussed. Analysis methods discussed are: comparison of two or more groups, relationships between variables and model based analysis (different types of regression analysis, e.g., linear, logistics, and Cox regression).
Part 2: Independent work The students work on a project in which they will independently analyze data. The work is usually performed in pairs. Tutoring is offered. The project is orally presented and discussed on a seminar and with a written final report. The students should also review, evaluate, and discuss other students' projects.