Swedish name: Kvalitativ metod i socialt arbete
This syllabus is valid: 2025-06-02 and until further notice
Syllabus for courses starting after 2025-06-02
Course code: 2SA129
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Social Work: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Social Work
Revised by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2025-01-30
The course provides an in-depth knowledge in and about various qualitative methods, as well as main characteristics and key concepts within the traditions which constitutes the background to these methods. Central in the course is to perform exercises in a selection of qualitative methods based on empirical data obtained through observation, interview, or text. Themes raised and problematize in the course is the qualitative research implications regarding: methodological considerations; choice of method in relation to a research question; collection of empirical material; interpretation; knowledge claims; and the ethical positions that arise.
After completing the course, students must:
Knowledge and understanding
- have a thorough knowledge of the main features of the different scientific traditions and its central concepts
- demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of methodological considerations in qualitative research approaches, and be able to relate these to the scientific traditions that constitute the basis for qualitative research
Skills and abilities
- demonstrate skills and abilities in terms of qualitative analysis of empirical data such as observation, interviews and document studies
- be able to apply and justify the methods mentioned above
Ability ot evaluate and approach
- be able to critically evaluate texts in terms of qualitative approaches
- be able to identify and evaluate ethical issues, and argue for their own ethical standpoints, in relation to qualitative methods
For admission to the course a minimum of 90 university credits are required in the following subjects: social work, sociology, Psychology, Peace and conflict studies, Gender Studies, Economic and social geography, Pedagogy, Political science, Law/legal Science or in other courses that are considered equal to thus above, including a bachelor thesis carrying at least 15 credits or 90 ECTS wihtin nursing including an individual essay carrying at least 15 credits. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/6 or comparable is also required.
Teaching methods consist of lectures, literature studies, practical exercises and seminars. The teaching is based on students' active participation and independent study where the students have to prepare various tasks, individually and / or in groups. Students have to base the individual work on his/her own research question and problematize and apply different methodological approaches. The course ends with an individual written assignment.
The course is given as a distance course where the teaching is online. Compulsory educational elements are included in the course.
Examination is as follows:
- active participation in seminars
- written assignments
- individual written final assignment
In the individual written assignment the grades are Fail (U), Pass (G), or Pass with Distinction (VG). For written assignments and active participation in seminars is given grades U or G. In order to obtain the grade Pass with Distinction on the course, Pass with Distinction is required on the individual written final assignment.
If the student has a certificate of special pedagogical support, the examiner has the right to decide on an adjusted form of examination.
The appointed examiner may decide to use other forms of examination if required by particular circumstances.
A student who has not received a passing grade on a test will be afforded an opportunity for re-examination.
A student who has passed examination may not be re-examined. A student who has taken two tests for a course or segment of a course, without passing, has the right to have another examiner appointed, unless special reasons exist. A written request for change of examiner is submitted to the Director of Advanced Education.
Written assignments should be in accordance with academically accepted forms and must be of a good linguistic standard.
Bacchi Carol
Why Study Problematizations? Making Politics Visible
Included in:
Open Journal of Political Science
Scientific Research Publishing : 2 : pages 1-8 :
The social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledge (Repr.)
Berger P.L, Luckmann T
London: Penguin. (urval) : 1991 :
OBS Alternativt till ovan. Kunskapssociologi: hur individen uppfattar och formar sin sociala verklighet (2. uppl)
Berger P.L, Luckmann T, Olsson S
Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand (urval) : 1998 :
Using thematic analysis in psychology
Braun Virginia, Clarke Victoria
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3:77-101 : 2006 :
Sanning och metod : i urval
Gadamer Hans-Georg, Melberg Arne
Göteborg : Daidalos : 1997 : 213 s. :
ISBN: 91-7173-057-5
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God forskningssed
Reviderad utgåva : Stockholm : Vetenskapsrådet : 2017 : 82 s. :
Fritt tillgänglig via Vetenskapsrådet
ISBN: 978-91-7307-352-3
Search the University Library catalogue
Gunaratnam Y
Narrative interviews and research
Included in:
Narrative and stories in health care
Oxford : Oxford University Press : 2009 : xii, 246 p. : pages pp. 47-61 :
Ethnography : principles in practice
Hammersley Martyn, Atkinson Paul
Fourth edition : London : Routledge : 2019 : xii, 280 pages :
ISBN: 9781138504455
Search the University Library catalogue
Active interviewing
Holstein James A, Gubrium Jaaber F
Included in:
Qualitative research
London : SAGE : 1997 : 262 s. :
Alternativ till ovan: Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice (3.ed) Animation interview narratives. David Silverman
Holstein James A, Gubrium Jaaber F
London Sage : 2011 :
Etiska dilemman : forskningsdeltagande, samtycke och utsatthet
Kalman Hildur, Lövgren Veronica
Andra upplagan : Malmö : Gleerups : [2019] : 192 sidor :
ISBN: 9789151102283
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Positioning the ageing subject : Articulations of choice in Swedish and UK health and social care
Lindberg Jens, Lundgren Anna Sofia
Routledge : 2019 :
Lindberg Jens
Orsak: våldtäkt : om våldtagna män i medicinsk praktik
Stockholm : Carlsson : 2015 : 246 s. :
ISBN: 9789173317290
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Qualitative Research in Psychology, 10:1. A Narrative Study of the Lives of Women Who Experience Anorexia Nervosa
O´Shaughnessy R, Dallos R, Gough A
Qualitative Research in Psychology : 2013 :
Nursing Philosophy, 6(2) Narrative vigilance: the analysis of stories in healt care
Paley J, G Eva
Nursing Philosophy, 6(2) : 2005 :
Från text till handling : en antologi om hermeneutik
Ricœur Paul, Kemp Peter, Kristensson Uggla Bengt, Fatton Margareta
4. uppl. : Stockholm : B. Östlings bokförl. Symposion : 1993 : 244 s. :
ISBN: 9171391274
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Ricoeur Paul
"Narrative Time Critical Inquiry
The University of Chicago Press : 1980 :
Ryan G.W, Bernard H.R
Field Methods, 15 (1) Techniques to Identify Themes
Field Methods : 2003 :
Den sociala världens fenomenologi
Schütz Alfred, Andersson Sten, Retzlaff Joachim, Bengtsson Jan
Göteborg : Daidalos : 2002 : 291 s. :
ISBN: 9171730826
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Solberg Anne
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17 (3). Reflections on interviewing children living in difficult circumstances: courage, caution and co-production.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology : 2014 :
Thornquist Eline
Vetenskapsfilosofi och vetenskapsteori : - för samhällsvetenskaplig och medicinsk fakultet
Gleerups Utbildning AB : 2021 :
ISBN: 9789151102979
Search the University Library catalogue
Nursing & Health Science 15 (3). Content analysis and thematic analysis: Implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study
Vaismoradi M, Turunen H, Bondas T
Nursing & Health Science : 2013 :
Further reading in forms of articles and/or book chapters related to lectures will be added.