The course is structured in 3 sections in which contemporary practice and work-related situations are explored by the understanding, analyses, discussions and experience from practical participation in professional design contexts. Practical experience is critically compared to design theory and students reflect upon their observations during the period. Remote tutoring and checkpoints support the creation of a written report for submission at the end of the course. Supervision based on written assignments guides the student in the process of creating a proposal for a thesis project in the Interaction Design Programme.
Section 1. Early Reflections (7,5 credits) The first phase consists of building up knowledge and understanding about design practice. Observations about company culture, identity, structures, roles and methods experienced in the work place are compiled in a written report and used in a personal reflection about their relation to the actual creative task(s) the student is assigned to perform during the early stages of the internship.
Section 2. Design Theory & Practice (15 credits) During this phase of the course the student will expand competence and skills by performing design work and compare further insights from the course literature and from design practice. The result is a second reflection paper to be added to the written report.
Section 3. Future Practice (7,5 credits) The last phase of the course is dedicated to finalising practice work at the company and, in parallel, reflecting about the future of the Interaction design field and the role of designers in relation to industry and society. Student's own values and ambition will then help to identify and express goals and wishes for both personal and subject development during the upcoming degree project. This final reflection paper, accompanied by an evaluation statement issued by the student's mentor at the company, serve as the conclusion for the report.
During the second term of their studies, the students at the Master's Programme in Interaction Design need to choose between two elective courses available on the following (third) term. One of the options is "Practice in Interaction design".
This option is viable and recommended to students who have secured an internship agreement with a company that is active in the Interaction design field. Being this an elective course, Umeå Institute of Design has no obligation to arrange internships for its students. The right to financial compensation in accordance with the Vice-Chancellor decision is only ensured when internships and study trips are compulsory. When the course is elective, no special financial compensation is given, either within or outside Sweden. The students are obliged to find out themselves what financial costs may arise.
This course contains occasions that are included in a degree programme at Umeå university and applies only to those of you who are admitted to the programme. You will receive information about application times and what applies to you from your institution.
A Bachelor's degree or equivalent first-cycle qualification comprising of at least 180 ECTS or a corresponding qualification from an internationally recognized university. Specific entry requirements are: 60 ECTS credits in the field of Design. Student must have passed all previous master courses on the Interaction Design Programme at Umeå Institute of Design. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.