Swedish name: Magisteruppsats i psykologi
This syllabus is valid: 2024-07-08 and until further notice
Course code: 2PS052
Credit points: 15
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Psychology: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Psychology
Revised by: Head of Department of Psychology, 2024-06-20
The students shall conduct, under supervision, with independent responsibility, an empirical thesis based on a scientific basis within the relevant main area and subject orientation. The thesis work includes independently formulating problems, conducting a scientific study, processing data with qualitative and/or quantitative methods, and orally discussing and presenting the results in writing in a scientific manner. The course is divided into two modules where the first focuses on planning and motivating your thesis topic and the second focuses on carrying out and reporting the thesis.
After completing the course for the current main area and subject area, the student must independently be able to
Module 1, 3 credits
Knowledge and understanding
Module 2, 12 credits
Knowledge and understanding
Skills and ability
Evaluation ability and approach
Courses corresponding to 90 credits (hp) in psychology or equivalent, including 15 credits at an advanced level in psychology or equivalent. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper Secondary course English A/6.
Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the
level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.
The teaching mainly takes place in the form of supervision given at booked meetings and through seminars. The course requires mandatory attendance at the PM seminar as well as at the opposition and respondent seminars.
The right to receive teaching, including supervision, is only guaranteed when the course for which the student is registered is in progress. This applies regardless of how often the students have met their supervisor.
The course is divided into two modules. The examination consists of five parts: the thesis PM, a written thesis, defense of your own thesis, a presentation and critical discussion/opposition of another student thesis and registration of your own thesis in DiVA.
Module 1. Thesis-PM, 3 credits
Thesis-PMs are written before and assessed at a mandatory seminar. Assessment of thesis-PMs is done individually and given the grades Pass or Fail. Completion of the thesis-PM is adjusted individually based on the assessment criteria or criteria for which the student's thesis-PM did not achieve a passing grade and must be submitted no later than 10 working days after the student has been notified of the results of the regular examination. In cases where the student has been given the opportunity to supplement his thesis PM and has not submitted it in time or has not been approved for his supplement, the grade is set to Fail and an additional exam will be arranged according to the rules that apply to re-examination (see below).
Module 2. Degree project/Thesis, Opposition, Respondentship, DiVA, 12 credits
Other examination elements are assessed during Module 2. The written thesis work is defended by the student at an thesis seminar where the oral defense is assessed. Furthermore, an approved completed presentation and opposition to another thesis are required. Examination of the written thesis work takes place through review in an thesis committee where the thesis and the work process are reviewed based on grading criteria established in advance. A combined grade is assigned to both the work process and the completed written thesis, with one of the grades Fail, Pass or Pass with distinction, a three-point grading scale applies. For thesis PM, opposition, presentation and defense of own thesis, grades are given Pass or Fail for each part. The assessment of the thesis PM, the thesis as well as opposition and response is done individually. Assessment of DiVA registration takes place individually or in pairs, depending on whether the thesis was written individually or in pairs.
In the event that the thesis has individual or minor flaws (some or a few assessment criteria that are failed), the student is offered the opportunity to complete the thesis before the thesis is graded. The complement is adapted individually based on the assessment criteria or criteria for which the student's thesis did not achieve a passing grade and must be submitted no later than 10 working days after the student has been notified of the result of the regular examination. In cases where the student has been given the opportunity to complement the thesis and did not submit it in time or did not get a pass on his supplement, the grade is given Fail and an additional exam is arranged according to the rules that apply to re-examination (see below). For cases where the deficiencies are more extensive, the student receives the grade Fail and is not offered the opportunity to complete the thesis. An additional test session is organized according to the rules that apply to re-examination (see below).
Completion of opposition, defense of own thesis and registration in DiVA are individually adapted based on the goal or goals that the student did not achieve and take place no earlier than two weeks after the students have been notified of the examination results and no later than two months after the regular examination.
Grades for the course/respective element are set when all examination elements are approved. At least the grade of Pass must be achieved in each of the five examination parts in order to receive a passing grade for the entire course. The grade on the written thesis determines the grade on the course.
All examining elements is indicated in the schedule.
Students are entitled to five examination opportunities. For students who have not been approved at the regular exam, an additional exam will be arranged according to the University's "Rules for grades and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level". A student who has passed two tests for a course or part of a course without a passing result has the right to have another examiner appointed, unless there are special reasons against it. The request for a new examiner is made to the head of the Department of Psychology.
The provisions of the Discrimination Act (2008:567) mean, among other things, that the universities must offer the possibility of adapted examination or alternative forms of examination. Deviations from the syllabus examination format can be made for a student who has a decision on educational support due to a disability. Individual adaptation of the examination format must be considered based on the student's needs. The form of the examination is adapted within the framework of the curriculum's expected study results. Students who need an adapted examination must request adaptation from the institution responsible for the course no later than 10 days before the examination. After the student's request, the teacher responsible for the course, in consultation with the examiner, must quickly decide on an adapted form of examination. The decision must then be communicated to the student.
Transfer of credits takes place according to Umeå University's system.
Literature is chosen in consultation with supervisor.
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